Read and write files for the swedish direct debit system autogirot.
For a command line utility that can convert autogiro files to XML see
composer require byrokrat/autogiro
- Autogiro specifications
- Generating autogiro request files
- Parsing autogiro files
- Accessing nodes using visitors
- Generating XML from node trees
- Hacking
This library is developed against the technichal manual (in swedish) of the direct debit system (autogirot) revised 2016-12-13. For later versions of this document see Bankgirocentralen.
Create a writer by supplying your bankgiro account number and
BGC customer number to WriterFactory
$writer = (new \byrokrat\autogiro\Writer\WriterFactory)->createWriter(
(new \byrokrat\banking\BankgiroFactory)->createAccount('1111-1119')
Perform actions on the writer and generate file.
$rawFile = $writer->getContent();
echo $rawFile;
Will output something like:
0120180114AUTOGIRO 1234560011111119
Create a parser using the ParserFactory
$factory = new \byrokrat\autogiro\Parser\ParserFactory;
$parser = $factory->createParser();
The created parser will by default parse and validate monetary amounts, account numbers and identification numbers. Opt out of this functionality by using one of the visitor constants:
Parsing a file creates a node object.
use byrokrat\autogiro\Tree\Node;
/** @var Node */
$node = $parser->parse($rawFile);
, Amount
, StateId
and Date
nodes are nested structures, where child
node Object
contains constructed php objects. Access using something like:
$money = $node->getChild(Node::AMOUNT)->getObjectValue();
A simpler way of doing this is by using visitors. See below.
Walk the tree by calling hasChild()
, getChild()
and getChildren()
echo $node->getChild(Node::MANDATE_REQUEST_SECTION)
$mandateRequests = $node->getChild(Node::MANDATE_REQUEST_SECTION);
foreach ($mandateRequests->getChildren(Node::DELETE_MANDATE_REQUEST) as $deleteRequest) {
// process...
Trying to access a child that does not exist returns a NullNode
echo $node->getChild('this-does-not-exist')
With the use of visitors nodes can be accessed based on name or type.
class MyVisitor extends \byrokrat\autogiro\Visitor\Visitor {
function beforeDeleteMandateRequest($node) {
echo "Delete mandate request found!";
$visitor = new MyVisitor;
This can also be done dynamically.
$visitor = new \byrokrat\autogiro\Visitor\Visitor;
$visitor->before(Node::DELETE_MANDATE_REQUEST, function ($node) {
echo "Delete mandate request found!";
$visitor->before(Node::MANDATE_RESPONSE, function ($node) {
if ($node->hasChild(Node::CREATED_FLAG)) {
// Mandate successfully created
if ($node->hasChild(Node::DELETED_FLAG)) {
// Mandate successfully deleted
if ($node->hasChild(Node::ERROR_FLAG)) {
// Mandate error state
$visitor->before(Node::SUCCESSFUL_INCOMING_PAYMENT_RESPONSE, function ($node) {
// successfull payment..
$visitor->before(Node::FAILED_INCOMING_PAYMENT_RESPONSE, function ($node) {
// failed payment..
Using this feature can be very helpful to understand how the parser interprets various layouts.
$xmlWriter = (new \byrokrat\autogiro\Xml\XmlWriterFactory)->createXmlWriter();
echo $xmlWriter->asXml(
With composer installed as composer
Or use something like
make COMPOSER_CMD=./composer.phar