Creates a BackTrace in PHP and returns a string.
#0 xan\phpBackTrace() called at [ /etc/nginx/sites/ ]
#1 xan\sendEmailBackTrace() called at [ /etc/nginx/sites/ ]
#2 xan\UsersMT->recMassage() called at [ /etc/nginx/sites/ ]
#3 require_once() called at [ /etc/nginx/sites/ ]
#4 require_once() called at [ /etc/nginx/sites/ ]
function phpBackTrace(): string {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS );
$backtraceLog = '';
// Process or format the backtrace array as needed
foreach ( $backtrace as $index => $trace ) {
// Namespace
$namespace = isset( $trace[ 'class' ] ) ? $trace[ 'class' ] : '';
// Class and type (-> for instance method, :: for static method)
$class = isset( $trace[ 'class' ] ) ? $trace[ 'class' ] : '';
$type = isset( $trace[ 'type' ] ) ? $trace[ 'type' ] : '';
// Function name
$function = isset( $trace[ 'function' ] ) ? $trace[ 'function' ] . "()" : "{main}";
// File and line information
$file = isset( $trace[ 'file' ] ) ? $trace[ 'file' ] : "unknown file";
$line = isset( $trace[ 'line' ] ) ? $trace[ 'line' ] : "unknown line";
// Construct backtrace log entry
$backtraceLog .= "#" . $index . " " . ( $namespace ? $namespace . $type : '' ) . $function . " called at [ " . $file . ":" . $line . " ]\n";
// Return
return $backtraceLog;