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christinaausley committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 3ada74b commit a0918f8
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Showing 183 changed files with 11,905 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
scalar DateTime

# Describes the User task.
type Task {
# The unique identifier of the task
id: ID!
# Name of the task
name: String!
# Task Definition ID (node BPMN id) of the process
taskDefinitionId: String!
# Name of the process
processName: String!
# When was the task created
creationTime: String!
# When was the task completed
completionTime: String
# Username/id of who is assigned to the task
assignee: String
# Variables associated to the task
variables: [Variable!]
# State of the task
taskState: TaskState!
# Array of values to be copied into `TaskQuery` to request for next or previous page of tasks.
sortValues: [String!]
# Flag to show that the task is first in current filter
isFirst: Boolean
# Reference to the task form
formKey: String
#Reference to process definition
processDefinitionId: String
#Reference to processInstance definition
processInstanceId: String
#Candidate groups
candidateGroups: [String!]
#Follow-up Date for Task
followUpDate: DateTime
#Due date for Task
dueDate: DateTime
#Candidate users
candidateUsers: [String!]

#Describes task embedded form
type Form {
#The unique identifier of the embedded form within one process
id: String!
#Reference to process definition
processDefinitionId: String!
#Form content
schema: String!

type Process {
id: String!
name: String
processDefinitionId: String
version: Int

input DateFilter {
from: DateTime!
to: DateTime!

#Task query - query to get one page of tasks.
input TaskQuery {
# State of the tasks
state: TaskState
# Are the tasks assigned?
assigned: Boolean
# Who is assigned to the tasks?
assignee: String
# given group is in candidate groups list
candidateGroup: String
# given user is in candidate users list
candidateUser: String
# process definition id
processDefinitionId: String
# process instance id
processInstanceId: String
#Size of tasks page (default: 50).
pageSize: Int
# Task definition ID - what's the BPMN flow node?
taskDefinitionId: String
#Array of values copied from `sortValues` of one of the tasks, query will return page of tasks going directly after this values plus same sort values.
searchAfter: [String!]
#Array of values copied from `sortValues` of one of the tasks, query will return page of tasks going directly after this values.
searchAfterOrEqual: [String!]
#Array of values copied from `sortValues` of one of the tasks, query will return page of tasks going directly before this values plus same sort values.
searchBefore: [String!]
#Array of values copied from `sortValues` of one of the tasks, query will return page of tasks going directly before this values.
searchBeforeOrEqual: [String!]
#Follow-up Date for Task
followUpDate: DateFilter
#Due Date for Task
dueDate: DateFilter
sort: [TaskOrderBy]

input TaskOrderBy {
field: TaskSortFields!
order: Sort!

enum Sort {

enum TaskSortFields {

# State of the task.
enum TaskState {

# Variable used in task.
type Variable {
id: ID!
name: String!
# full variable value
value: String!
# value preview (limited in size)
previewValue: String!
# shows, whether previewValue contains truncated value or full value
isValueTruncated: Boolean!
# Change or add a variable with name and value.
input VariableInput {
# Name of the variable.
name: String!
# Value of the variable. Complex values, e.g. a list of objects, must be serialized as JSON.
value: String!

type ProcessInstance {
id: ID!

type C8AppLink {
name: String!
link: String!
# Describes the user.
type User {
userId: ID!
displayName: String
permissions: [String!]
roles: [String]
salesPlanType: String
c8Links: [C8AppLink]
# What can be searched for.
type Query {
# Get list of tasks based on `TaskQuery`.
tasks(query: TaskQuery!): [Task!]!
# Get one task by id. Returns task or error when task does not exist.
task(id: String!): Task!
# Get currently logged in user.
currentUser: User!
# Get task form by id and processDefinitionId
form(id: String!, processDefinitionId: String!): Form
# Get a collection of Variables by name
variables(taskId: String!, variableNames: [String!]!): [Variable!]!
# Get the variables by variable id
variable(id: String!): Variable!
# Get the processes
processes(search: String): [Process!]!
# What can be changed.
type Mutation {
# Complete a task with taskId and optional variables. Returns the task.
completeTask(taskId: String!, variables: [VariableInput!]!): Task!
Claim a task with `taskId` to `assignee`. Returns the task.
When using Graphql API with JWT authentication token following parameters may be used:
* `assignee`. When using a JWT token, the assignee parameter is NOT optional when called directly from the API.
The system will not be able to detect the assignee from the JWT token, therefore the assignee parameter needs to be
explicitly passed in this instance.
* `allowOverrideAssignment`. When `true` the task that is already assigned may be claimed again. Otherwise the task
must be first unclaimed and only then claimed again. (Default: `true`)
taskId: String!
assignee: String
allowOverrideAssignment: Boolean
): Task!
# Unclaim a task with taskId. Returns the task.
unclaimTask(taskId: String!): Task!
# Delete process instance by given processInstanceId. Returns true if process instance could be deleted.
deleteProcessInstance(processInstanceId: String!): Boolean!
# start a Process from tasklist
startProcess(processDefinitionId: String!): ProcessInstance!
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
label: "Directives"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
id: deprecated
title: deprecated
hide_table_of_contents: false

export const Bullet = () => (
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: ".5em",
color: "var(--ifm-color-secondary-darkest)",

export const SpecifiedBy = (props) => (
style={{ fontSize: "1.5em", paddingLeft: "4px" }}
title={"Specified by " + props.url}

export const Badge = (props) => (
<span class={"badge badge--" + props.class}>{props.text}</span>

Marks the field or enum value as deprecated

directive @deprecated(
reason: String = "No longer supported"

### Arguments

#### [<code style={{ fontWeight: 'normal' }}>deprecated.<b>reason</b></code>](#)<Bullet />[`String`](../scalars/string.mdx) <Badge class="secondary" text="scalar"/>

> The reason for the deprecation
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
id: include
title: include
hide_table_of_contents: false

export const Bullet = () => (
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: ".5em",
color: "var(--ifm-color-secondary-darkest)",

export const SpecifiedBy = (props) => (
style={{ fontSize: "1.5em", paddingLeft: "4px" }}
title={"Specified by " + props.url}

export const Badge = (props) => (
<span class={"badge badge--" + props.class}>{props.text}</span>

Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when the `if` argument is true

directive @include(
if: Boolean!

### Arguments

#### [<code style={{ fontWeight: 'normal' }}>include.<b>if</b></code>](#)<Bullet />[`Boolean!`](../scalars/boolean.mdx) <Badge class="secondary" text="non-null"/> <Badge class="secondary" text="scalar"/>

> Included when true.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
id: skip
title: skip
hide_table_of_contents: false

export const Bullet = () => (
fontWeight: "normal",
fontSize: ".5em",
color: "var(--ifm-color-secondary-darkest)",

export const SpecifiedBy = (props) => (
style={{ fontSize: "1.5em", paddingLeft: "4px" }}
title={"Specified by " + props.url}

export const Badge = (props) => (
<span class={"badge badge--" + props.class}>{props.text}</span>

Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment when the `if`'argument is true.

directive @skip(
if: Boolean!

### Arguments

#### [<code style={{ fontWeight: 'normal' }}>skip.<b>if</b></code>](#)<Bullet />[`Boolean!`](../scalars/boolean.mdx) <Badge class="secondary" text="non-null"/> <Badge class="secondary" text="scalar"/>

> Skipped when true.

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