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Andrew Griffith edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 12 revisions

This wiki page contains the list of all the available plugin options. Unless you're looking to override something specific, you probably do not have to read this page - setup and usage section should get you covered.

In order to override the default, put the option in the stage file, example:

# in config/deploy/production.rb
set :unicorn_workers, 4

Nginx options

Defaults are listed near option name in the first line.

  • set :nginx_server_name # defaults to <server_IP>
    Your application's domain. The default is your server's IP address.

  • set :nginx_pid, "/run/"
    Path for nginx process pid file.

  • set :nginx_location, "/etc/nginx"
    Nginx installation directory.

  • set :nginx_use_spdy, false
    If set to true, nginx will be configured to enable the SPDY protocol. This only works in conjunction with SSL, so nginx_use_ssl needs to be set to true as well. You need to have nginx version 1.5.10 or higher installed to use SPDY version >= 3.1. In addition, SPDY on nginx requires OpenSSL version 1.0.0d or newer. See for general information about the SPDY protocol.

  • set :fail_timeout, 0
    Sets the time during which the specified number of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the unicorn servers should happen to consider the server unavailable; and the period of time the server will be considered unavailable. See for more details.

SSL related options:

  • set :nginx_use_ssl, false
    If set to true, nginx will be configured to 443 port and port 80 will be auto routed to 443. Also, on nginx:setup, paths to ssl certificate and key will be configured. By default the certificate file and key will be uploaded to the /etc/ssl/certs/ and /etc/ssl/private/ directories on the server.

The following options will only take effect, if :nginx_use_ssl is set to true:

  • set :nginx_upload_local_cert, true
    If true, certificates will be uploaded from a local path. Otherwise, it is expected for the certificate and key defined in the next 2 variables to be already on the server.

  • set :nginx_ssl_cert, "#{fetch(:nginx_server_name)}.crt"
    Remote file name of the certificate.

  • set :nginx_ssl_cert_key, "#{fetch(:nginx_server_name)}.key"
    Remote file name of the certificate.

  • set :nginx_ssl_cert_path, "/etc/ssl/certs/"
    Remote path to the certificate.

  • set :nginx_ssl_cert_key_path, "/etc/ssl/private/"
    Remote path to the certificate key.

  • set :nginx_ssl_cert_local_path # no default, required if nginx_use_ssl = true and nginx_upload_local_cert = true
    Local path to file with certificate. This file will be copied to remote server. Example value: set :nginx_ssl_cert_local_path, "/home/user/ssl/myssl.cert"

  • set :nginx_ssl_cert_key_local_path # no default
    Local path to file with certificate key. This file will be copied to remote server. Example value: set :nginx_ssl_cert_key_local_path, "/home/user/ssl/myssl.key"

  • set :nginx_pass_ssl_client_cert, false
    If true, opens an additional SSL port on 444. When connecting to this port nginx request a client SSL certificate for authentication. Rails receives this certificate as request.headers['X-Client-Cert'] or request.headers['rack.session']['X-Client-Cert']. Based on custom computation, a controller can decide whether to grant access. This option is useful for e.g. a secure API endpoint. See here for more information.

Unicorn options

Defaults are listed near option name in the first line.

  • set :unicorn_service, "unicorn_#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:stage)}
    Unicorn service name is unicorn_myapp_production by default.

  • set :unicorn_pid, shared_path.join("tmp/pids/")
    Path for unicorn process pid file.

  • set :unicorn_config, shared_path.join("config/unicorn.rb")
    Path for unicorn config file.

  • set :unicorn_workers, 2
    Number of unicorn workers.

  • set :unicorn_app_env
    Set to the value of rails_env (for compatibility with capistrano-rails gem or stage option.

  • set :unicorn_env
    Environmental variables to be passed to Unicorn/Ruby. Useful for GC tweaking, etc.

  • set :unicorn_use_tcp, -> { roles(:app).count > 1 }

    • true if there are multiple app servers. nginx and unicorn communicate over tcp port.
    • false for single node configuration. nginx and unicorn communicate over unix socket.
  • set :unicorn_tcp_listen_port, 8080
    Specifies tcp port when unicorn_use_tcp is true.

  • set :unicorn_logrotate_enabled, false
    When true, configuration files are generated for logrotate during the setup phase. Logrotate compresses and archive unicorn logs to ensure your log files don't grow too large. You need to have logrotate installed for your distribution. On Ubuntu, use apt-get install logrotate.

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