Every commit is important. So let's celebrate each and every commit with a corresponding emoji! 😄
Oh, and it can also help with glancing over commit messages to figure out what kind of changes have been made. 😏
Prepend every commit message with an emoji with this form:
<emoji> commit message
For commits with multiple types of messages, use multiple lines:
<emoji> commit message
<emoji2> commit message2
Commit Type | Emoji |
Initial Commit | 🎉 Party Popper |
Version Tag | 🔖 Bookmark |
New Feature | ✨ Sparkles |
Bugfix | 🐛 Bug |
Metadata | 📇 Card Index |
Refactoring | ♻️ Black Universal Recycling Symbol |
Documentation | 📚 Books |
Internationalization | 🌐 Globe With Meridians |
Accessibility | ♿ Wheelchair |
Performance | 🐎 Horse |
Cosmetic | 🎨 Artist Palette |
Tooling | 🔧 Wrench |
Tests | 🚨 Police Cars Revolving Light |
Deprecation | 💩 Pile of Poo |
Removal | 🗑️ Wastebasket |
Work In Progress (WIP) | 🚧 Construction Sign |
Here are some ways to more easily integrate emoji into your workflow.
You can be the judge on which is easier to grok.
Example taken from here
Fix exporting of the library to include _.ifElse
add _.ifElse to README.md
add _.ifElse
fix JSDoc comment for _.call
Fix _.not documentation example.
Update JSDoc comments.
Update links to documentation.
Fix documentation.
Link to documentation pages.
Added a curried version of the mixin for lodash-fp.
Switch from lodash to lodash-compat
Add shields to README.
Add missing methods to index.js.
🔖 0.5.2
🐛 Fix exporting of the library to include _.ifElse
🔖 0.5.1
📚 add _.ifElse to README.md
🔖 0.5.0
✨ add _.ifElse
📚 fix JSDoc comment for _.call
📚 Fix _.not documentation example.
📚 Update JSDoc comments.
🔖 0.4.1
📚 Update links to documentation.
📚 Fix documentation.
📚 Link to documentation pages.
🔖 0.4.0
✨ Added a curried version of the mixin for lodash-fp.
📇 Switch from lodash to lodash-compat
📇 Add shields to README.
🐛 Add missing methods to index.js.