A set of please rules, that provide C++ testing utilities with catch2.
First, make sure to include the plugin within your please project by adding the following to your projects plugins/BUILD
name = "catch2",
revision = "master",
plugin = "catch2-rules",
owner = "cemeceme"
Make sure to either preloadsubincludes
or subinclude
the rules in the BUILD files where you need them.
Compiles and runs tests using catch2, similarly to how the please native cc-test rule works.
Catch2 already provides its own main file, which gets used by this rule. The rule doesn't currently support custom main files.
Takes the following arguments:
name (str) : Name of the rule
srcs (list) : C or C++ source files to compile.
hdrs (list) : Header files.
compiler_flags (list) : Flags to pass to the compiler.
linker_flags (list) : Flags to pass to the linker.
pkg_config_libs (list) : Libraries to declare a dependency on using `pkg-config --libs`
pkg_config_cflags (list) : Libraries to declare a dependency on using `pkg-config --cflags`
deps (list) : Dependent rules.
worker (str) : Reference to worker script, A persistent worker process that is used to set up the test. TODO, this is not yet implemented.
data (list) : Runtime data files for this test.
visibility (list) : Visibility declaration for this rule.
flags (str) : Flags to apply to the test invocation.
labels (list) : Labels to attach to this test.
flaky (bool | int) : If true the test will be marked as flaky and automatically retried.
defines (list | dict) : A list or dict of defines to use when compiling.
test_outputs (list) : Extra test output files to generate from this test.
size (str) : Test size (enormous, large, medium or small).
timeout (int) : Length of time in seconds to allow the test to run for before killing it.
sandbox (bool) : Sandbox the test on Linux to restrict access to namespaces such as network.
write_main (bool) : Deprecated, has no effect. See `plz help testmain` for more information about how to define a default dependency for the test main.
linkstatic (bool) : Only provided for Bazel compatibility. Has no actual effect since we always link roughly equivalently to their "mostly-static" mode.