A basic react countdown timer component with a cool CSS transition animation.
You can see a demo app where you can play with props from here
npm install --save react-date-countdown-timer
import DateCountdown from 'react-date-countdown-timer';
// ...
return <DateCountdown dateTo='January 01, 2023 00:00:00 GMT+03:00' callback={()=>alert('Hello')} />;
- dateTo(string)(required): target date to countdown
- dateFrom(string): date to start counting down (for passing server date etc.)
- callback(function): function to run after the countdown is completed (default null)
- mostSignificantFigure(string): most significant figure to show about the remaining time (default 'none')
- numberOfFigures(number): number of figures to show from mostSignificantFigure (default 6)
- locales(array(string)): locales strings for units (default ['year','month','day','hour','minute','second'])
- locales_plural(array(string)): locales strings for units' plural form (default ['years','months','days','hours','minutes','seconds'])
- noAnimate(bool): whether to animate the countdown or not (default false)
mostSignificantFigure can be one of these values:
- year
- month
- day
- hour
- min
- sec
- none (shows as many figures as available)