Open for extension, closed for modification. You should not have to rewrite an existing class for implementing new features.
public String hashPassword(String password, HashingType hashingType)
hashedPassword="hashed with Base64";
else if(HashingType.MD5.equals(hashingType))
hashedPassword="hashed with MD5";
return hashedPassword;
Every time a new algorithm is implemented, we need to modify the existing class, and it looks ugly.
public class Base64Hasher implements PasswordHasher
public String hashPassword(String password)
return "hashed with 64";
public interface PasswordHasher
String hashPassword(String password);
public class MD5Hasher implements PasswordHasher
public String hashPassword(String password)
return "hashed with SHA256";
In this way, we can add new algorithms without touching the existing codebase.