A web application providing information about the villagers (characters) from the Nintendo Switch game 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons'.
The web app is built as a single-page application (SPA) using React. It fetches data from a third-party, public API and presents the data back in a responsive layout.
No screenshots.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- React
- React Router
- Git
- GitHub
- Install the latest versions of Git, Node and NPM.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- 'npm install' to install the project's dependencies.
- To run the app locally - 'npm start' and the app will open on localhost.
- To create an optimised, production build of the app, 'npm run build' and deploy the 'build' folder to your chosen server.
- App built with React to provide a modern, single-page application (SPA).
- Asynchronous JavaScript calls to a third-party API to fetch the data for a specific villager on-demand.
- Uses React Hooks to manage state and side-effects in the 'Villager Detail' component.
- Uses React Router to conditionally render the relevant components depending on the route being used in the URL (i.e. unique ID per villager in the URL).
- Google Fonts for typography across the application.
- Ionicons for scalable SVG icons.
- CSS grid layout used for the list view, facilitating a responsive layout.
- Media queries used for enhanced responsive layout.
Project is: Complete
Created by Chris Walker - https://chrismwalker.co.uk