A single-page, mobile-first data management web application that asynchronously connects to a server-side relational database, via PHP scripts, in order to fetch, manipulate, display and maintain records.
- A mobile-first single-page data management web application to enable maintenance of a fictional company's personnel data.
- Uses Bootstrap for a clean, modern, mobile-first responsive design that adapts for larger screens, dynamically changing the number of database columns displayed depending on device screen size.
- JavaScript/jQuery controlling events in the user interface.
- Client-side asynchronous AJAX calls initiating Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) actions on the server-side database, to maintain a seamless, single-page application experience.
- PHP scripts connecting to a MariaDB Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), via Structured Query Language (SQL) queries, to build, sort and return datasets to the client.
- PHP logic managing foreign key relationships between database tables, ensuring referential integrity is respected by preventing deletion of referenced records.
- All user interface interactions (searching, sorting data, etc.) handled through calls back to the server to implement a database connection, enabling better multi-user concurrent interactions.
- Error handling across the application, displaying meaningful error messages in the user interface for failed database connections, inability to retrieve/update data, attempts to violate foreign key constraints, etc.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Ensure you have an appropriate PHP server and MariaDB database installed and running, e.g. XAMPP
- Update 'resources/php/config.php' with database credentials (database name, username and password).
- Update all PHP files in 'resources/php' to ensure they 'include' config.php from the correct location.
- Run the SQL script from 'resources/sql' against your MariaDB database to create the relational database for the application to use. Edit where required to ensure the database name matches the credentials used in 'config.php'.
- Ability to add, update and delete personnel, department and location data from the Company Directory.
- Click any row to view/update all of an entry's fields.
- Confirmation prompted for all actions before changes are committed to the database.
- Personnel search facility, enabling matches to be found against any personnel data field.
- Ascending/descending alphabetical sorting of all columns displayed across the application.
- Row count to show current number of records being displayed from the total.
- Prevention of related record deletion (e.g. prevent department deletion when there are still personnel attached to it), with error messaging and a preview of the data still attached.
- Dynamically expanding list view to show all columns on larger screens without having to click an entry to view the detail.
- Responsive layout and dropdown navigation menu on mobile.
- Complete
- Created by Chris Walker
- chrismwalker.co.uk