ldap2rest is a small ruby Rack application intended to be a REST service providing access to users and groups stored in a LDAP backend.
For conveninence we named current version as number 1 to be prepared if a meaningfull change in future releases will not affect your installed applications using v1 service
This fact means that every request to services provided will need to be prefixed with
Api will return results in JSON format
Returns a list of users from LDAP. List might be truncated if LDAP server limits response size
This service only receives one parameter named filter which will be used to filter users by specified attributes in config file, using special character * (asterisk) as wildcard character
An example list of users whose name begins with chrod is issued by the following URL:
See documentation section to configure filtering attributes for users
Return a single user maching specified username
Returns a list of groups specified username is member of
Returns a list of groups from LDAP. List might be truncated if LDAP server limits response size
This service only receives one parameter named filter which will be used to filter gorups by specified attributes in config file, using special character * (asterisk) as wildcard character
An example list of groups whose name begins with vpn is issued by the following URL:
See documentation section to configure filtering attributes for users
Returns a list of users that are members of specified group
This simple RACK application is configured using an yml file. This file should be named config/config.yml.
ttl: 3600
limit_results: 100
host: localhost
base: o=acme
bind_dn: cn=admin,o=acme
password: pass
dn_attribute: uid
prefix: ou=Users
- inetorgperson
filter: (|(uid=%s)(sn=%s)(cn=%s)(givenName=%s))
uid: username
sn: last_name
givenName: first_name
cn: display_name
departmentNumber: office
employeeNumber: document_number
dn_attribute: cn
member_attribute: member
user_membership_attribute: dn
- groupofnames
cn: name
A sample configuration file is provided in config directory directory.
- ttl: is a time in seconds to cache results in memory by server, without quering LDAP for same result just queried
- limit_results: numbers of entries to return when searching users or groups. If removed, limit is not set and all entries are returned or limited by server
- host: LDAP host server
- base: LDAP base dn
- bind_dn: LDAP user to bind into LDAP as
- password: LDAP user password
- allow_anonymous: if specified anonymous access to LDAP will be used
- dn_attribute: attribute used as dn: for example uid or cn
- prefix: prefix where users reside. If omited, ldap.base will be used
- classess: array of objectclass retrieved users must meet. Array elements must be listed in separate lines prefixed with minus sign
- filter: filter to be used when filtering user listing
- attributes: attribute mapping array. You must define a dictionary (hash) of attribute mappings from LDAP attribute name on the left, to a service name attribute on the right. In the given example above, you can see that cn ldap attribute will be retrieved as display_name by rest service
- dn_attribute: attribute used as dn: for example cn
- prefix: prefix where groups reside. If omited, ldap.base will be used
- classess: array of objectclass retrieved groups must meet. Array elements must be listed in separate lines prefixed with minus sign
- member_attribute: attribute used by ldap groups to specify members. For example: member
- user_membership_attribute: attribute used by group membership to reference a user. For example: dn means users are specified as full dn
- filter: filter to be used when filtering group listing
- attributes: attribute mapping array. You must define a dictionary (hash) of attribute mappings from LDAP attribute name on the left, to a service name attribute on the right. In the given example above, you can see that cn ldap attribute will be retrieved as name by rest service
As a rack application you can use any server specified in http://rack.rubyforge.org/doc/ Here are steps necesary to deploy the service using:
- Apache + Modrails
- Java Application Server deploying as war package
Follow instructions to enable Phusion Passenger as is specified in http://www.modrails.com/ Once module is runing, deploy the application in any directory you want (supose /opt/ldap2rest). A sample virtual host for this application would be:
<Directory /opt/ldap2rest >
PassengerResolveSymLinksInDocumentRoot on
RackBaseUri /ldap2rest
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
Options -Multiviews
To generate a war to deploy inside a Jboss application server install warble gem and then get into application directory and run:
When it finishes, it will generate a war with its name as the container directory. Deploy it as any Java package