This is an Improved version of the Popular Movies App, that's required to do in the Udacity Associate Android Developer course.
This App uses :
- Product Flavours to replace modules at compile time , providing fake data and stubs for automated testing.
- MVP Architecture The stubs based on MVP
- Discover Movies by high rating or most popular.
- Watch Trailers.
- Read Movie reviews.
- Mark a Movie as Favourite.
- Offline Work.
- Material Design Concepts.
- Java 8
- Latest version of Android SDK and Gradle build Tools
API Key:
The App uses The movie Db as Data source.
After obtaining the API key from the website, put the key in :
Used Libraries:
- Picasso - A powerful Library that handles Image Loading.
- ButterKnife - Field and method binding for Android views.
- Retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- gson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back.
- mockito - Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java.
- Espresso - UI Testing framework.
This App is My Playground and still in progress.
- Add Screenshots To Readme
- Implement Search for movies.
- Implement Content Providers for storing and retrieving Data.
- Recycler View Custom Animations.
- RxJava.