Basic starter kit for gulp development. Included Sass, Less, Jade, HTML, Eslint, and browserSync.
Based on angularjs-gulp-browserify-boilerplate by jakemmarsh.
The main Gulp tasks that included in gulp/tasks
- browserSync - BrowserSync
- deploy - Deploy Allthings
- development - Build Dev Code with Dev Server
- production - Build Production Code
- watch - Gulp Watch
- server - Run a Express-dev-server
- css - Compile CSS with autoprefixer & minify
- sass - libSass Compiler, support autoprefixer & Compass Mixins
- less - Less Compiler, also support autoprefixer & Compass Mixins
- scripts - JS, support concat & uglify.
- lint - Linter with Eslint, config in
- vendor - Vendor for JS & CSS (will be bundled into each single file)
- html - HTML Watcher, support minify
- jade - Jade Template Compiler, support ignore underscore file
- images - Images minify
- fonts - move fonts from static to build folder
- locales - minify JSON
- gzip - Gzip for
- test - Unit Test with Karma
All Gulp config are written in gulp/tasks/config.js
Dev, Prod & Watch's tasks can be configured in the end of config.js.
npm install
Running Dev server
npm start
Building Production Code
npm run build
MIT © CJies