HHVM (3.7.1), Nginx, New Relic on Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid"
Some ideas forked from Joostvanderlaan/dockerfiles and nikolaplejic/docker.hhvm on github.com mixing in some new relic using the @chregu hhvm extension build example
This docker container is an experiment and will be refined. Feel free to send me pull requests or code comments on github of course.
Run the container with dir and config.hdf in /var/app/current. Replace the NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY and NEWRELIC_APP_NAME with your own first.
If you want to run something more interesting than 'hello world', mount the /var/app/current dir with php content in /var/app/current/public.
If you want to setup your own nginx config, you can mount that too with -v to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled eg:
docker run -p 80:80 -t ckortekaas/hhvm-nginx-newrelic -v /path/to/the/host/machine/php-app-directory:/var/app/current/public :ro -v /path/to/the/host/machine/nginx-conf.d-directory:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro
The following environment variables can be used to configure the container:
APP_ENVIRONMENT The application environment (e.g. production, development..).
AWS_S3_OBJECT If set, should be an S3 location of a zip file
containing the code to deploy to this instance.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION The region of the S3 bucket.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The AWS access key ID for accessing the S3 bucket.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The AWS secret access key for accessing the S3 bucket.
NEWRELIC_INSTALL_KEY The New Relic installation key