Releases: cloud-barista/cm-grasshopper
Releases Β· cloud-barista/cm-grasshopper
Integrated or tested with
Tested Environment
- cm-cicada Software Migration Workflow
- Source Computing Environment
- Web server: NGINX (HTTP server and SSL server with self-signed certificate), Docker installed
- NFS Server: nfs-kernel-server, Docker installed
- Target Computing Environemnt
- Azure VMs deployed by cb-tumblebug v0.10.3
API docs
How to run
What's Changed
- Implemented software management
- Add support Ansible Playbook handler
- Get and decrypt connection informarion from honeybee
- Implemented package migration handled by Ansible Playbook
- Implemented config files migration.
- Implemented automatic copy certification files and key files while during the migration.
- Implemented verification of service status.
- Implemented verification of listen ports of services.
- Implemented of providing software migration list.
Full Changelog: cloud-barista/cm-cicada@v0.2.0...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- software: Do not copy configs under '/etc/apt/' direcory
- software: add custom_configs option
- Fix database file path
- software: Try to find real service name by package name
- software: Fix race conditions in migration logger
- software: Create referenced directories
So... What was this fixed for?
- Fixed issue with missing GPG keys in APT source list.
- Fixed /etc/exports file not being copied.
- Fixed unable to find NFS services's real name. (Alias: nfs-kernel-server, Real Name: nfs-server)
- Fixed race condition issues that caused incomplete or missing logs.
- Fixed missing shared directory issue on migrated NFS server.
Tested Environment
- cm-cicada Software Migration Workflow
- Source Computing Environment
- Web server: NGINX (HTTP server and SSL server with self-signed certificate), Docker installed
- NFS Server: nfs-kernel-server, Docker installed
- Target Computing Environemnt
- Azure VMs deployed by cb-tumblebug v0.10.1
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3
What's Changed
- Implemented package migration handled by Ansible Playbook
- Implemented config files migration.
- Implemented automatic copy certification files and key files while during the migration.
- Implemented verification of service status.
- Implemented verification of listen ports of services.
- Implemented of providing software migration list.
Check the updated README!!
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
What's Changed
- Implemented software management
- Add support Ansible Playbook handler
- Get and decrypt connection informarion from honeybee
How to run
Swagger Document
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
What's Changed
- Add CI and CD workflow (@yunkon-kim)
- Remove root privileges (Fix[)](
- api: rest: Change API URL and add redirect URLs
- Decrypt passwords and private keys of Honeybee's connection info
How to run
Swagger Document
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- Implement of register, viewing, listing, updating and deleting targets.
- Implement collecting information of installed software.
- Implement collecting configuration file locations of installed software.
New Contributors
- @ish-hcc Implement of managing targets and collecting information of installed software.
Full Changelog