This package is meant for implementing the Apriori algorithm as a microservice.
curl -s | php
Add the package to your composer.json file
"require": {
"codedheartinside/apriori": "1.*"
Download the files
php composer.phar install
Add the autoloader for the files into your project
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
To set up the running environment for the package, run the installer
$installer = new \CodedHeartInside\DataMining\Apriori\Installer();
You first need to create a configuration with the rules for the algorithm
$aprioriConfiguration = new \CodedHeartInside\DataMining\Apriori\Configuration();
// Configuring the boundries is optional
$aprioriConfiguration->setMinimumThreshold(2) // Default is 2
->setMinimumSupport(0.2) // Default is 0.1
->setMinimumConfidence(5) // Default is 0.2
After that, all is set to run the algorithm on a data set. The data set can be added through the addDataSet function.
$dataSet = array(
array(1, 3, 4),
array(2, 4, 6),
array(1, 2),
$dataInput = new \CodedHeartInside\DataMining\Apriori\Data\Input($aprioriConfiguration);
->addDataSet($dataSet) // In this case, the data set is added twice to create more testing data
To run the the algorithm on the data set, provide the Apriori class with the configuration and call the run function.
$aprioriClass = new \CodedHeartInside\DataMining\Apriori\Apriori($aprioriConfiguration);
After running the algorithm, the records with the statistics for support and confidence become retrievable.
Support is the time a item combination occurs in all of the provided item sets.
To get the records with the support statistics:
foreach ($aprioriClass->getSupportRecords() as $record) {
// Outputs:
// Array
// (
// [itemIds] => Array
// (
// [0] => 1
// [1] => 4
// [2] => 6
// [3] => 7
// )
// [support] => 0.060606060606061
// )
Confidence is the times a article occurs in combination with the other items
To get the records with the confidence statistics
foreach ($aprioriClass->getConfidenceRecords() as $record) {
// Outputs
// Array
// (
// [if] => Array
// (
// [0] => 1
// [1] => 7
// )
// [then] => 3
// [confidence] => 1
// )