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Using an open dataset with registered colorado business to build a tool that manages outreach to potential CFD partners.

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A micro-CRM to help Code For Denver discover leads and manage its outreach to nonprofits.

Table of Contents

Getting Started



Data Sources For Leads


Getting Started

Get the Code

  1. Go to the project's github page.
  2. Find the green "Code" button
  3. Click the clipboard icon to copy a link to the git repo.
  4. In a terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to create the project folder and clone the repo:
    git clone <git-repo-name>

Running the app locally

There are two methods for setting up your local machine for development. If you are planning on working on the backend, or want to use docker compose to work on the frontend, follow Using Docker Compose. If you want to just work on the frontend, and do not want to use docker compose, follow Running Frontend Only.

Using Docker Compose

  1. Install Docker and Docker-compose.
  2. Run the database, api, and frontend in docker containers using compose.
    docker-compose up --build -d
  3. Check the containers are running
    docker ps
    • you should see something like
  4. Try connecting to the database with psql:
    docker exec -it partner-finder_postgres_1 psql -U cfd_partner_finder
    select * from leads limit 5;
    to exit psql, type \q
  5. Check that the api works with curl:
    • try the healthcheck endpoint: curl http://localhost:8000/healthcheck
    • get an access token to use other api endpoints:
      curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8000/login' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
          "username": "[email protected]",
          "password": "password"
    • get a list of leads:
      curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8000/leads' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer <insert your token here>'
  6. Check that the react app is running:
  7. You should see a login page. Use the following credentials for development:

Running Frontend Only

If you only plan to work on the frontend and do not want to use docker compose, we also have the backend running on a development server. In this case, you will need to have @galbwe set up a user account for you to log in with. Follow these steps to get up and running:

  1. Email [email protected] requesting credentials for the development server.
  2. Once your credentials are set up, cd to the frontend directory.
  3. Install dependencies by running yarn
  4. Start the app with yarn dev

You should see a login screen where you can test your credentials.



Accessing Api Docs

With Docker Compose

The backend generates swagger documentation. This is a webpage that lets you make interactive api calls to test out the rest api before using it in your code. To run the swagger docs locally, make sure the api docker service is running. Check the api logs for a bearer token that you can use to authenticate on the swagger page. If you ran docker compose with the -d flag, you can get the logs with docker compose logs api.

Now look for bearer tokens that let you authenticate as a normal user and as an admin:

api_1       | [2021-08-11 01:05:47 +0000] [19] [INFO] To authenticate as [email protected], include this header with the request:
api_1       |   Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiZXhwaXJlcyI6IjIwMjEtMDgtMTJUMDE6MDU6NDcuNTM0NDgzKzAwOjAwIiwiYWRtaW4iOmZhbHNlfQ.41xKVHDz0ONRiWx-fWqifVvDBSzCN6vPmmf4ZWV0H3g
api_1       | [2021-08-11 01:05:47 +0000] [19] [INFO] To authenticate as [email protected], include this header with the request:
api_1       |   Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImV4cGlyZXMiOiIyMDIxLTA4LTEyVDAxOjA1OjQ3LjU2NTExNCswMDowMCIsImFkbWluIjp0cnVlfQ.NNUMN92roOU44DKXcnstBUK_vpRfg57RYJyBMCuSdmQ

Copy only the value of the header, that is, the part that looks like

Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiZXhwaXJlcyI6IjIwMjEtMDgtMTJUMDE6MDU6NDcuNTM0NDgzKzAwOjAwIiwiYWRtaW4iOmZhbHNlfQ.41xKVHDz0ONRiWx-fWqifVvDBSzCN6vPmmf4ZWV0H3g

Now in a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000/apidocs . You should see a page that looks like this:

Click on the green "Authorize" button with the lock icon, paste the bearer token you copied into the login form, and click "Authorize".

To send a request to any of the endpoints, click on one of the colored boxes, then click "Try it out" in the upper right corner. This lets you edit the request parameters and body through a form. You can send the request and view the response with the "Execute" button.

Without Docker Compose

To access the api documentation page without docker compose, go to . This will allow you to view the available api endpoints. By clicking on one of the endpoints, you should also be able to view the request parameters and the shape of the api response.

In order to use the swagger docs interactively, you will need a set of login credentials for the development server. See Running Frontend Only.

Once you have credentials, you will need to get your bearer token. One way to do this is to run the frontend in development mode on localhost:1234 by running yarn dev in the frontend directory. Once you have done this and successfully submitted the login form, open developer tools in your browser (command + option + J on macOS, or right click and select "inspect")

Once dev tools are open, go to the "Application" tab:

In the side panel, under "Local Storage", select http://localhost:1234. You should see a key called partnerFinderToken in the right pane, along with a bearer token.

Now in the docs page, click the green "Authorize" button near the top right corner. You will be prompted to enter an Authorization header. Enter Bearer <your token> and submit the form.

You should now be able to send api requests to the backend by clicking the "Try it out" button and entering request parameters.

Linting and Formatting

We use prettier to consistly format our javascript and eslint as a linter. To run them, make sure you are in the frontend directory, then run

  • yarn format to run prettier, and
  • yarn lint to run eslint you'll need to commit your formatting changes. It's fine to put them in their own commit, or if you want to include them in a recent commit that has not been pushed to the remote yet, you can use git commit --amend.


Linting and Formatting Scripts

We have github actions that will check that backend code is in the correct format and abides by PEP8 standards. You will need to run a formatter and a linter on your code before committing in order for your changes to be accepted. In the backend/scripts, directory, there are scripts called and for doing this. You can run them directly from the backend directory:

cd backend
source venv/bin/activate
chmod +x scripts/*.sh

After running, you should see an output of 0 if everything is okay. Otherwise flake8 will output lines that need to be changed.

Once you've made formatting and linting changes, make a commit with a message like lint and format and add it to your PR. It is helpful to PR reviewers if you keep your formatting changes in their own commit because they can potentially make it harder to read your other code changes.

Creating Database Migration Files

You'll need a python virtual environment in the backend directory. Make sure you have python 3.7 or up installed. Ideally 3.9 since that is what is used in the rest api. You can check the version with python --version

Change into the backend directory then do python -m venv venv. This should create a venv directory.

Next you'll want to activate the virtual environment with source venv/bin/activate.

Then install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

You should also need to set some environment variables so alembic can send queries to the locally running database. Create a .env file with touch .env, then add these lines to it:

export FLASK_APP=api/app:app
export FLASK_ENV=development
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
export POSTGRES_USER=cfd_partner_finder
export POSTGRES_DB=cfd_partner_finder
export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
export POSTGRES_PORT=5432
export SECRET_KEY=supersafe
export PYTHONPATH="${pwd}"

Now source the environment variables: source .env

Finally, you can create a new migration by doing alembic revision -m "<description of migration>". This should create a new file under the versions directory.

Connecting to the AWS Postgres instance

We run a postgres instance in AWS RDS. A simple method for connecting to the instance is with the psql command line tool. There is a script called backend/database/ that will run psql for you with arguments taken from environment variables. We will read these environment variables from a file called .env-prod. Please use this exact filename because it is already in .gitignore. Follow these steps to get into a psql session:

  1. create a file called backend/.env-prod if it does not already exist
  2. the contents of backend/.env-prod should look like this:
    export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<insert password here>
    export POSGRES_DB=<insert db here>
    export POSTGRES_USER=<insert user here>
    export POSTGRES_HOST=<insert host here>
  3. contact a project maintainer (galbwe) for the values of the environment variables above
  4. source the environment variables to make them accessible in your terminal: source backend/.env-prod
  5. Run the database connection script: ./backend/database/
  6. You will be prompted for a password. It is the same as the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable.
  7. The prompt should change to show psql. You can now run some sql commands to check that the connection worked:
\dt  -- list tables
SELECT count(*) FROM leads;

Postman Collection

Postman is a web client for testing out REST apis. See here to view and export postman requests for this project. You will also need to install postman, import the collection, and then run the api on localhost to use postman in development.

Running a data analysis jupyter notebook

  1. Make sure python 3 is installed on your system
  2. from the project root directory, change to the data analysis directory
    • cd ./data_analysis
  3. Create a virtual environment
    python3 -m venv --prompt data_analysis venv
    • You should see a newly created folder called venv
  4. Activate the virtual environment
    source venv/bin/activate
    • Your terminal prompt should change to display (data_analysis) on the left while the virtual environment is active.
  5. Upgrade the virtual environment's installation of pip
    • pip install --upgrade pip
  6. Install dependencies
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Run a jupyter server:
    jupyter notebook
  8. You should see a file system open in a web browser. If not, go to http://localhost:8888/tree
  9. Click on notebooks, and then businesses.ipynb. You should now see a notebook
  10. When you are done, stop the jupyter server with Ctrl+C and deactivate the virtual environment with deactivate.


Deploying The API

This is the current manual process for building and deploying the rest api:

  1. Set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable
  2. Update the version number in backend/scripts/
  3. Run to build a docker image and push it to dockerhub
  4. Open a PR to update the version number in the github repo
  5. Use the backend/scripts/ssh-server script to start an ssh session in an ec2 instance
  6. update the version number in partner-finder/
  7. Pull the docker image from dockerhub
  8. stop and remove the running container with sudo docker container stop <container name> and sudo docker container rm <container name> you can get the container name by running sudo docker ps
  9. start a new container with the updated api with sudo ./

Deploying The Frontend

This is the current manual process for building and deploying the frontend:

  1. Create a .env file in the frontend directory. Make sure it has the following contents
  2. Update the version number in frontend/scripts/
  3. Run ./scripts/ to build a docker image and push it to dockerhub
  4. Use the backend/scripts/ssh-server script to start an ssh session in the ec2 instance
  5. Update the version number in partner-finder/
  6. Pull the docker image from dockerhub
  7. stop and remove the running container with sudo docker container stop <container name> and sudo docker container rm <container name> you can get the container name by running sudo docker ps
  8. start a new container with the updated frontend with sudo ./

Data Sources For Leads

  • Socrata API
    • Dataset with registered business entities in Colorado. It can be filtered to return only nonprofits.
  • Colorado Nonprofit Association
    • Website with nonprofit members registered with Colorado Nonprofit Association.
  • Twitter?
  • LinkedIn?


This is a Code For Denver project. For more about the organization, see

Code for Denver has a discord server and runs online meetups roughly every two weeks. This project has a channel called #partner-finder on the discord server. The project also has a weekly standup at 6pm MT. Typically a link to a google hangout is shared in the discord channel. If you would like to join, but do not have access to the channel, please email [email protected] expressing your interest to participate.


Using an open dataset with registered colorado business to build a tool that manages outreach to potential CFD partners.



Code of conduct





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