This extension allows you to organize the collection of data about website visitors. Data is stored in a database.
What visitor data is collected
Javascript and php are used to get information about visitors:
By Javascript:
- Detect if client cookie enabled
- Detect if java enabled
- Detect if client has totuch device
- Timezone offset
- Type connection (like 4g etc.)
- Current url
- Referer url
- Client screen width
- Client screen height
- Client color depth
- Client browser language
- Client history length
- Client processor ram
By php:
- Visitor ip address
- Visitor user agent
- Visitor referer url
- Server name
- Auth user id
- Port
- Cookies http
- Os
- Client info
- Client device type (desctop etc.)
- Device brand
- Client device model (if detect)
- Detect is bot
- Host by ip
- Is proxy or vpn
- Date and time visit
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
First download module . Run the command in the terminal:
composer require "coderius/yii2-hit-counter"
or add in composer.json
"coderius/yii2-hit-counter": "^1.0"
and run composer update
Run migrations in root folder project:
php yii migrate/to m190926_110717_hit_counter__table --migrationPath=@coderius/hitCounter/migrations
Include module in app config file. In advanced template go to common/main.php
and set to config array next params:
$conf = [
$conf['modules']['hitCounter'] = [
'class' => 'coderius\hitCounter\Module',
$conf['bootstrap'][] = 'coderius\hitCounter\config\Bootstrap';
<?= \coderius\hitCounter\widgets\hitCounter\HitCounterWidget::widget([]); ?>
For tests neded test database and tables. Documentation about creating test db is at tests/_app/
In order to run the tests you need to do the following:
- Set alias in terminal to phpunit:
alias phpunit="/var/www/html/yii2-hit-counter/vendor/bin/phpunit"
- Go to root folder module 'yii2-hit-counter' in terminal and run tests: