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Jorge Reyes edited this page May 29, 2015 · 2 revisions

Update: Please use our updated Hibernate Criteria Builder objects instead so you can have much more control, granularity and coolness!

Get the record count using hibernate projections and criterion for specific queries


  • This function returns numeric


Key Type Required Default Description
entityName any Yes --- The entity to run count projections on
criteria array No [] The array of hibernate criterion to use for the projections


// The following is handler code which has been wired with a virtual entity service

property name="authorService" inject="entityService:Author";

function showAuthors(event){
var rc = event.getCollection();
// Get the hibernate restrictions proxy object
var restrictions = authorService.getRestrictions();
// build criteria
var criteria = [];
// Apply a "greater than" constraint to the named property

// Get the criteria query first		
prc.example1 = authorService.criteriaQuery(criteria=criteria, offset=(prc.boundaries.STARTROW-1), max=getSetting("PagingMaxRows"), sortOrder="firstName ASC");

// get the total records found via projections
prc.foundcount = authorService.criteriaCount(criteria=criteria);
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