- Window Manager β’ Hyprlandπ¨ Tiles Manage!
- Status Bar ⒠Waybar𧴠Highly customizable Wayland bar!
- Widget System β’ Ewwπ ElKowars wacky widgets!
- Terminal β’ Kitty π» A powerful term with gpu support!
- Shell β’ Zsh with Theme Starshipπ Cross Shell Platform!
- Application Launcher β’ Rofiπ Realmente rΓ‘pido y customizable!
- Notify Daemon β’ SwayNCπ A simple GTK based notification daemon with modern UI!
- File Manager β’ Rangerπ A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console!
- File Manager GUI β’ Nemoπ File browser for Cinnamon!
- Code Editor β’ NeovimποΈ A uUtimate editorr!
- Music Player β’ SpicetifyπΉ A Customize Spotify client!
- Audio Visualizer β’ CavaπΌ Cross-platform Audio Visualizer!
- Terminal Multiplexing β’ Tmuxπ― A Terminal multiplexer!
- Theme β’ CatppuccinπΏ My favourite Theme!
paru -S kitty
More Packages (Click to expend)
paru -S ranger
paru -S lsd
paru -S fzf
paru -S starship
paru -S zsh
sh -c "$(wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
paru -S cava
paru -S spotify
paru -S spicetify-cli
paru -S spotify-tui
paru -S ripgrep
paru -S neovim
paru -S tmux
paru -S bat
paru -S btop
paru -S lazygit
paru -S neofetch
paru -S qutebrowser
1.Clone this repository with some related repositories.
git clone https://github.com/command-z-z/Arch-dotfiles --recursive
2.See my Dependencies
to learn more about my config.
3.Install the required software(see Dependencies).
4.Just copy the piece of code you really want.
β οΈ Note :Please understand that this is my personal configuration for my setup. If something doesn't work, feel free to open up an issue or message me, and I will try to help. However, before doing that, make sure you read the error output, use some common sense, and try to solve the problem yourself if it is something simple.
neovim configuration has been removed from this repository, please refer to the my personal neovim repository here.
Beauty community:r/unixporn
Β© repo:command-z-z/dotfile Β© repo:khaneliman/dotfile