|- doc -- Contains documentation about the project,
| | as well as scripts, mainly plantuml, for
| | generating the diagrams
| |
| |
- Django - We will use Django for power up most of the services provided by the application
- django-channels - It powers up django to provide WebSockets, used by the chat.
- django-richtextfield - It gaves us a higher level RichTextField for the database.
- Spacy - it provides us a way to achieve a better ontology for searching
- Docker - Container management.
- SQLite - Open Source Database. Used only for development.
- PostgreSQL - Open source database with full bateries. Used for development, integration tests and deployment.
- Django Rest Framework - Makes Django a REST framework
- Dj-rest-auth - Gets a secure API for authentication
- Django All auth - Secure Registration Implementation. Has many social adaptors.
- @quimpm
- @Oriolac
- @Emina33
- @sergis