As a guest, I want to register in the application
As a user, I want to log in to the application.
As a registered user, I want to create a profile of my company.
As a user, I want to connect to a company because of a publication.
As a user, I need to chat with the company that I connected with.
As a company, I want to chat with the users that have sent a message.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
As Commed, I want to get a 5% commission on each contract.
As a company, I want to publish the first three announcements freely.
As a company, I want to have the possibility to pay to promote my announcements.
As a company, I want to send the Formal Offer which contains the contract pdf through the chat.
As a company, I want to digitally sign contracts.
As a user, I want to digitally sign contracts.
As a company, I want to have a list of my sent formal offers
Extra attention is needed
As a guest, I want to search for services or products so that I receive a list of services or produc
As a guest, I want to have a detailed view of the product/service.
As a registered user who has a company profile, I want to create services/products.
Further information is requested