bank-account-standalone is a Java 16 console application used as an example of the Clean Architecture. The application allows you to:
- Open accounts
- Adjust accounts with deposits and withdrawals
- Prepare statements
It uses a separately running instance of DynamoDB local to store data.
Install AWS CLI for your platform.
- Setup Amazon DynamoDB locally.
- Start DynamoDB with the following command:
$ java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb
- Install JDK version 16. SDKMAN! makes it quite easy.
- Ensure a recent version of Maven is installed. SDKMAN! can help with that too.
- Clone this repo.
- Create the BankAccount table. In the script directory of the root of this clone, run the following:
$ ./
- In the root directory of the clone, run the following:
$ mvn clean package
- After a successful installation, in the target directory of the root, execute the following:
$ java -jar bank-account-standalone.jar
- Alternatively, start the application in your IDE by creating a run configuration for the com.crg.learn.account.application.start.Main Java file. There are no start up options.
After the application is started, navigate to the script directory and run the following scripts:
$ ./
$ ./ <account number from>
$ ./ <account number from>
$ ./ <account number from>
Note these scripts hardcode the currency code "EUR," as the application currently supports only Euros. Also, if you are running behind a proxy, you may need to unset all your proxy-related environment variables in the shell. We observed connectivity problems to the local DynamoDB with those variables set.