A collection of packages to provide LAPACK functionality for the Go programming language (http://golang.org)
This is work in progress. Breaking changes are likely to happen.
go get github.com/dane-unltd/blas
Install OpenBLAS:
git clone https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS
cd OpenBLAS
For Windows you can download binary packages for OpenBLAS at http://sourceforge.net/projects/openblas/files/
generate lapack bindings
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/dane-unltd/lapack/clapack
./genLapack -L/path/to/OpenBLAS -lopenblas
If you want to use the Intel MKL and all of your paths are properly set
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/dane-unltd/lapack/clapack
./genLapack -lmkl_rt
should work.
Defines the LAPACK API based on http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapacke.html
Binding to a C implementation of the lapacke interface (e.g. OpenBLAS or intel MKL)
The linker flags (i.e. path to the BLAS library and library name) might have to be adapted.
The recommended (free) option for good performance on both linux and darwin is OpenBLAS.
Experimental wrapper for the float64 part of the lapack interface.
You have to register an implementation before you can use the LAPACK functions:
package main
import (
func init() {
func main() {
A := dbw.NewGeneral(3, 2, []float64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})
B := dbw.NewGeneral(3, 2, []float64{1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2})
tau := dbw.Allocate(2)
f := dla.QR(A, tau)
Experimental wrapper for the complex128 part of the lapack interface.