Retrofit call adapters to support following types:
1. ResultState<T>
2. Flow<ResultState<T>>
So your Retrofit Service results in
suspend fun getDataWithResultState(): ResultState<ResponseDto>
fun getDataWithResultStateFlow(): Flow<ResultState<ResponseDto>>
where ResultState
is a sealed interface for handling network response
sealed interface ResultState<out T> {
data class Success<T>(val data: T) : ResultState<T>
data class Error(val exception: Throwable? = null) : ResultState<Nothing>
Added RestrictionAdapter
to restrict any return type other than:
So following return types will throw exception
suspend fun getData(): ResponseDto
suspend fun getDataAsResponse(): Response<ResponseDto>
and only ResultState<T>
will be supported
suspend fun getDataWithResultState(): ResultState<ResponseDto>
Retrofit supports following return types:
1. Call<ResponseDto>
2. Response<ResponseDto>
3. ResponseDto
& more based on call adapters added for supporting return types
restrict a single return type & enforces symmetry throughout the app