This repository features a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) neural network quantum state (NNQS) implementation for Kitaev's toric code and the Kitaev Honeycomb Model (KHM). The code is easily extensible with new models and lattices.
The program depends on Eigen3
, Boost
(ProgramOptions) MPI
, and has been only developed for UNIX based systems. The repository
comes with the Open Source Fortran Packages
Those packages are found in the directory deps
and need to be built and
Two Makefiles are listed. One is for building with GCC
on my local machine,
the other is for building with ICPC
on the LRZ HPC Linux cluster.
Please orientate yourself on those, when building. I cannot provide a general
for Intel MKL
support, or EIGEN_USE_BLAS
routines. Make sure MKL
is installed and linked then.
The application should be linked into one executable, typically called rbm
The application is split into two parts: Training and evaluation.
They are accessed by the options --train
and evaluate
, respectively.
Use the option -i
to specify an .ini
parameters file.
The option --name
lets you assigning a name to the training process. The .log
and .rbm
files are accordingly named.
If a .rbm
file with the name already exists, the application tries to load it.
It fails, when it detects different weight sizes. The option -f
forces an
overwrite of the .rbm
For example,
rbm --train --name=n3_a8 --model.n_cells=3 --rbm.alpha=8 --evaluate
starts training an RBM with alpha = 8
hidden neurons on the KHM with 18 spins.
Each epochs the current energy, standard deviation and acceptance rates are
written to the n3_a8.log
file. When training is finished, the final energy and
plaquette operator expectation values are evaluated.
Possible command line options to the application:
Option | Explanation |
-i (--infile ) |
Sets the .ini parameters file |
-h (--help ) |
Prints the help message. |
--train |
Trains the network. |
--evaluate |
Evaluates the network. |
--store_state |
Stores the quantum state into a binary .state file and exits. |
--print_bonds |
Prints the bond indices and exits. |
--print_hex |
Prints the hexagon indices and exits. |
--exact_energy |
Calculates the exact energy per site. |
The following ini
file gives an overview of the available parameters with
a quick explanations.
# RBM ini file with all options for the application. Default values are set.
# ======== General Parameters ==================================================
seed = 421390484 # Seed of the RNG.
deterministic = false # Seed RNG with random device.
name = n2_a1 # Set name of the RBM.
n_threads = 4 # Set number of OMP threads (deprecated).
n_epochs = 4000 # Number of training epochs.
seed_search = 0 # Set the number of different seeds to try.
seed_search_epochs = 1000 # Set the number of epochs after which seeds are
# | compared.
# ======== Model Parameters ====================================================
type = kitaev # Set the model type (kitaev or toric).
n_cells = 2 # Set number of unit cells (square)
n_cells_b = -1 # Set number of unit cells in the first dimension
# | (if set to -1, use n_cells)
J = -1 # Set Interaction strength.
h = 0 # Set (potential) second interaction strength.
helper_strength = 0 # Set P_W strength.
symmetry = 0.5 # Set translational symmetry e.g. (0, 0.5, 1, 2).
lattice_type = none # Set lattice type if special type is available
# | (honeycomb: hex)
# ======== RBM Parameters ======================================================
type = basic # Set RBM type (basic, symmetry, pfaffian, file).
alpha = 1 # Set number of hidden units (as multiple of visible
# | units).
weights = 1e-4 # Set stddev for weights initialization.
weights_imag = -1 # Set stddev for imag weights initialization
# | (if -1 -> rbm.weights)
weights_type = none # Initialization type for RBM weights, for special
# | initial states (deprecated).
correlators = 0 # Enables correlators if set to 1 and correlators are
# | available for the model (deprecated).
pop_mode = 0 # Switches between Psi calculation modes
# (0 = sum log cosh, 1 = prod cosh).
cosh_mode = 2 # Switches between Cosh modes (0 = std cosh + log,
# | 1 = approx cosh, 2 = our log cosh) = none # Specify the filename of the state to load from.
pfaffian = false # Enables use of pfaffian wave function addition.
symmetry = 0.5 # Set symmetry for the pfaffian parameters.
weights = 1e-2 # Set stddev of pfaffian parameters.
normalize = false # Normalize pfaffian parameters to pfaffian prop to 1
# | (deptrecated).
load = none # Specify name of a already trained # '.rbm' of a
# | pfaffian wavefunction to load.
no_updating = false # Don't update the pfaffian context each iteration
# | but calculate from scratch
# ======== Sampler Parameters ==================================================
type = metropolis # Set sampler type (metropolis, full).
n_samples = 1000 # Set number of samples.
n_samples_per_chain = 0 # Set number samples per chain (overrides
# | sampler.n_samples).
eval_samples = 0 # Set number of samples for evaluation.
full.n_parallel_bits = 2 # Set number of bits executed in parallel in perfect
# | sampling. #MPI processes = # 2^n.
pfaffian_refresh = 0 # Set number of Xinv updates beforerecalculation from
# | scratch
lut_exchange = 0 # Set number of samples before RBM LUT exchange is
# | triggered (unstable).
n_chains = 4 # Set number of chains in Metropolis sampling.
n_warmup_steps = 100 # Set number of warmup sweeps.
n_steps_per_sample = 1 # Set number of seeps between a sample.
bond_flips = 0.5 # Probability for bond flip for update proposal.
# ======== Optimizer Parameters ================================================
type = SR # Set optimizer type (SR, SGD).
learning_rate = 1e-2 # Set learning rate, optionally with decay factor.
sr.reg1 = 1,1e-4,0.9 # Set regularization diagonal scaling, optionally with
# | decay factor.
sr.reg2 = 1e-3,1e-6,0.9 # Set regularization diagonal shift, optionally with
# | decay factor.
sr.deltareg1 = 1e-2 # Diagonal scaling offset for pfaffian parameters.
sr.method = cg # The method for the SR solver (direct, minresqlp,
# | cg, cg-direct).
sr.max_iterations = 0 # Set number of max iterations for iterative method.
sr.rtol = 0 # Set residue tolerance for the iterative method.
sgd.real_factor = 1. # Set the factor the real part of the update vector is
# | divided by.
plugin = none # Set optional plugin for optimization (momentum,
# | adam, heun).
adam.beta1 = 0.9 # Set Adam beta1.
adam.beta2 = 0.999 # Set Adam beta2.
adam.eps = 1e-8 # Set Adam eps.
mom.alpha = 0.9 # Set momentum alpha.
mom.dialup = 1. # Set momentum dialup.
heun.eps = 1e-3 # Set heun epsilon.
resample = false # Resample if certain conditions on nergy / variance
# are not fullfilled (not recommended!).
resample.alpha1 = 0.1 # Cond. 1: Energy difference smaller than alpha1.
resample.alpha2 = 5 # Cond. 2: Imaginary energy samller than alpha2 * var.
resample.alpha3 = 10 # Cond. 3: variance ratio samller than alpha3.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Copyright (c) 2021 David Bucher