Expand Ad-Hoc Parallel File System
- Homepage: https://xpn-arcos.github.io/xpn-arcos.github.io/
- Source: https://github.com/xpn-arcos/xpn
- Authors: Felix Garcia Carballeira, Luis Miguel Sanchez Garcia, Borja Bergua Guerra, Alejandro Calderon Mateos, Diego Camarmas Alonso, Dario Muñoz Muñoz
The Expand Ad-Hoc Parallel File System (a.k.a. Ad-Hoc XPN) can be installed on a cluster/supercomputer with:
- A local storage per-node (HDD, SSD or RAM Drive) accessible through a directory,
for example (this will be the NODE_DIR in this document). - A shared directory among compute nodes used,
for example (this will be the WORK_DIR in this document).
There are only two software pre-requisites that Ad-Hoc XPN needs:
The typical C development tools: gcc, make, and autotools
An MPI implementation compiled with MPI-IO and threads support:
- Tested: MPICH 4.1.1 (or compatible) and Intel MPI 2017 (or compatible).
- Experimental: OpenMPI 5.0.3 (support is experimental).
If you do not have a compiled MPI implementation with MPI-IO and thread support,
still you can compile MPICH or OpenMPI (experimental) from source code:-
Help to compile MPICH from source code... (click to expand)
In order to install the MPICH implementation of MPI (for example, MPICH 4.1.1) from source code and with Infiniband (Omni-Path) support we recommend:wget https://www.mpich.org/static/downloads/4.1.1/mpich-4.1.1.tar.gz tar zxf mpich-4.1.1.tar.gz cd mpich-4.1.1 ./configure --prefix=<path where MPICH is going to be installed> \ --enable-threads=multiple \ --enable-romio \ --with-slurm=<path where your slurm is installed> \ --with-device=ch4:ofi:psm2 \ --with-libfabric=<path where your libfabric is installed> make make install export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path where MPICH is going to be installed>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Help to compile OpenMPI from source code... (click to expand)
For example, in order to install the OpenMPI 5.0.3 implementation of MPI from source code, including Infiniband (Omni-Path) support, we recommend the following steps:wget https://download.open-mpi.org/release/open-mpi/v5.0/openmpi-5.0.3.tar.gz tar zxf openmpi-5.0.3.tar.gz cd openmpi-5.0.3 ./configure --prefix=<path where Open MPI is going to be installed> \ --enable-threads=multiple \ --enable-romio \ --with-slurm=<path where your slurm is installed> \ --with-libfabric=<path where your libfabric is installed> make make install export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path where Open MPI is going to be installed>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Once all prerequisites are met, the general steps to deploy XPN are:
%% {init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%%
flowchart TD
A([Start]) --> B("Do you have 'Spack'?")
B -- Yes --> ide11
B -- No --> Y1("Do you have 'modules'?")
%% (1) with spack
subgraph ide1 [1 With spack]
subgraph ide11 [1.1 Add repo]
direction TB
X1["git clone https://github.com/xpn-arcos/xpn.git
spack repo add xpn/scripts/spack"]
subgraph ide12 [1.2 Install software]
direction TB
X2["spack <b>info</b> xpn
spack <b>install</b> xpn"]
subgraph ide13 [1.3 Load software]
direction TB
X3["spack <b>load</b> xpn"]
classDef lt text-align:left,fill:lightgreen,color:black;
class X1,X2,X3 lt;
ide11 --> ide12
ide12 --> ide13
ide13 --> I([End])
Y1-- Yes --> ide21a
Y1-- No ---> ide21b
subgraph ide2 [2 With autotools]
subgraph ide21a [2.1 Load prerequisites]
direction TB
Y1A["module avail <br> module load gcc<br> module load 'impi/2017.4'"]
subgraph ide21b [2.1 Install prerequisites]
direction TB
Y1B["sudo apt install -y build-essential libtool<br>sudo apt install -y autoconf automake git<br> sudo apt install -y libmpich-dev mpich"]
subgraph ide22 [2.2 Download source code]
direction TB
Y2B["mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
git clone https://github.com/xpn-arcos/xpn.git"]
subgraph ide23 ["2.3 build source code"]
direction LR
Y3B["export XPN_MPICC='full path to the mpicc compiler to be used'
cd $HOME/src
./xpn/build-me -m $XPN_MPICC -i $HOME/bin"]
ide21a --> ide22
ide21b --> ide22
ide22 --> ide23
classDef lt2 text-align:left,fill:lightblue,color:black;
class Y1A,Y1B lt2;
classDef lt3 text-align:left;
class Y2B,Y3B lt3;
Y3B --> I([End])
First, you need to get familiar with 2 special files and 1 special environment variables for XPN client:
%%{ init : { "theme" : "default", "themeVariables" : { "background" : "#000" }}}%%
root(("Ad-Hoc XPN"))
{{Environment<br> Variables}}
["`**XPN_CONF=**'full path to the xpn.conf file' <br> \* It is the XPN configuration file to be used (mandatory)`"]
["`**hostfile**</br> \* for MPI, it is a text file with the list of host names (one per line) where XPN servers and XPN client is going to be executed`"]
["`**xpn.conf**</br> \* for Ad-Hoc XPN, it is a text file with the configuration for the partition where files are stored at the XPN servers`"]
For Expand developers...
You need to get familiar with 3 special files and 4 special environment variables for XPN client:%%{ init : { "theme" : "default", "themeVariables" : { "background" : "#000" }}}%%
root((Ad-Hoc XPN))
{{Environment Variables}}
The 3 special files are:
for MPI, it is a text file with the list of host names (one per line) where XPN servers and XPN client is going to be executed.<xpn.cfg>
for XPN, it is the XPN configuration file with the configuration for the partition where files are stored at the XPN servers.<stop_file>
for XPN is a text file with the list of the servers to be stopped (one host name per line).
And the 4 special environment variables for XPN clients are:
with the full path to the XPN configuration file to be used (mandatory).XPN_THREAD
with value 0 for without threads, value 1 for thread-on-demand and value 2 for pool-of-threads (optional, default: 0).XPN_LOCALITY
with value 0 for without locality and value 1 for with locality (optional, default: 0).XPN_SCK_PORT
with the port to use in internal comunications (opcional, default: 3456).
An example of SLURM job might be:
#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --output=$HOME/results_%j.out
#SBATCH --nodes=8
#SBATCH --ntasks=8
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example>
export NODE_DIR=<local directory to be used on each node, /tmp for example>
scontrol show hostnames ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST} > $WORK_DIR/hostfile
# Step 1: to launch the Expand MPI servers
<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/bin/xpn -v \
-n <number of XPN processes> \
-l $WORK_DIR/hostfile start
sleep 2
# Step 2: to launch the XPN client (app. that will use Expand)
mpiexec -np <number of client processes> \
-hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile \
-genv XPN_CONF $WORK_DIR/xpn.conf \
-genv LD_PRELOAD <INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so:$LD_PRELOAD \
<full path to the app.>
# Step 3: to stop the MPI servers
<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/bin/xpn -v -d $WORK_DIR/hostfile stop
sleep 2
The typical executions has 3 main steps:
First, launch the Expand MPI servers:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> export NODE_DIR=<local directory to be used on each node, /tmp for example> <INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/bin/xpn -v \ -n <number of processes> \ -l $WORK_DIR/hostfile \ -w $WORK_DIR \ -x $NODE_DIR \ start
Then, launch the program that will use Expand (XPN client).
2.1. Example for the app1 MPI application:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> mpiexec -np <number of processes> \ -hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile \ -genv XPN_CONF $WORK_DIR/xpn.conf \ -genv LD_PRELOAD <INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so:$LD_PRELOAD \ <full path to app1>/app1
2.2. Example for the app2 program (a NON-MPI application):
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> export XPN_CONF=$WORK_DIR/xpn.conf LD_PRELOAD=<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so <full path to app2>/app2
2.3. Example for the app3.py Python program:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> export XPN_CONF=$WORK_DIR/xpn.conf LD_PRELOAD=<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so python3 <full path to app3>/app3.py
At the end of your working session, you need to stop the MPI servers:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> <INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/bin/xpn -v -d $WORK_DIR/hostfile stop
An example of SLURM job might be:
#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH --output=$HOME/results_%j.out
#SBATCH --nodes=8
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example>
export NODE_DIR=<local directory to be used on each node, /tmp for example>
scontrol show hostnames ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST} > $WORK_DIR/hostfile
<INSTALL_PATH>/scripts/execute/xpn.sh -w $WORK_DIR -l $WORK_DIR/hostfile -x $NODE_DIR -n ${SLURM_NNODES} -v mk_conf
# Step 1
prte --hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile --report-uri $WORK_DIR/prte --no-ready-msg &
sleep 2
NAMESPACE=$(cat $WORK_DIR/prte | head -n 1 | cut -d "@" -f 1)
# Step 2: to launch the Expand MPI servers
mpiexec -n ${SLURM_NNODES} \
--hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile \
--dvm ns:$NAMESPACE \
--map-by ppr:1:node:OVERSUBSCRIBE \
<INSTALL_PATH>/bin/xpn_server &
sleep 2
# Step 3: to launch the XPN client (app. that will use Expand)
mpiexec -n <number of processes: 2> \
-hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile \
--dvm ns:$NAMESPACE \
-mca routed direct \
--map-by node:OVERSUBSCRIBE \
-x XPN_CONF=$WORK_DIR/xpn.conf \
-x LD_PRELOAD=<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so:$LD_PRELOAD \
<full path to the app.>
# Step 4: to stop the MPI servers
<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/bin/xpn -v -d $WORK_DIR/hostfile stop
sleep 2
The typical executions has 4 main steps:
- First, launch the OpenMPI prte server:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example>
export NODE_DIR=<local directory to be used on each node, /tmp for example>
prte --hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile --report-uri $WORK_DIR/prte --no-ready-msg &
NAMESPACE=$(cat $WORK_DIR/prte | head -n 1 | cut -d "@" -f 1)
Second, launch the Expand servers:
mpiexec -n <number of processes> -hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile \ --dvm ns:$NAMESPACE \ --map-by ppr:1:node:OVERSUBSCRIBE \ <INSTALL_PATH>/bin/xpn_server &
Then, launch the program that will use Expand (XPN client).
3.1. Example for the app1 MPI application:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> mpiexec -n <number of processes> -hostfile $WORK_DIR/hostfile \ -mca routed direct \ --map-by node:OVERSUBSCRIBE \ --dvm ns:$NAMESPACE \ -genv XPN_CONF $WORK_DIR/xpn.conf \ -genv LD_PRELOAD <INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so:$LD_PRELOAD \ <full path to app1>/app1
3.2. Example for the app2 program (a NON-MPI application):
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> export XPN_CONF=$WORK_DIR/xpn.conf LD_PRELOAD=<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so <full path to app2>/app2
3.3. Example for the app3.py Python program:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> export XPN_CONF=$WORK_DIR/xpn.conf LD_PRELOAD=<INSTALL_PATH>/xpn/lib/xpn_bypass.so python3 <full path to app3>/app3.py
At the end of your working session, you need to stop the Expand servers:
export WORK_DIR=<shared directory among hostfile computers, $HOME for example> ./xpn -v -d $WORK_DIR/hostfile stop
For Expand developers...
job ->> mk_conf.sh: generate the XPN configuration file
mk_conf.sh ->> xpn.conf: generate the xpn.conf file
job ->> xpn_server: (1) launch the Expand MPI server
xpn.conf -->> xpn_server: read the XPN configuration file
job ->> XPN client: (2) launch the program that will use Expand
xpn.conf -->> XPN client: read the XPN configuration file
XPN client -> xpn_server: write and read data
XPN client -->> job: execution ends
job ->> xpn_server: (3) stop the MPI server