Simple script i use to run my DayZ-Standalone Servers. Just edit the settings.bat for your likings. If you dont want to use the backup / compression feature just set the variables to be empty.
First start:
- check if steamcmd.exe is ok
- check if the serverfolder already exists, if not:
- download the serverfiles
- create profile folder, battleye folder and sample configs
- start the server
Next starts / restart (if the serverfolder exists):
- move the logs to profile\logs folder to keep everything clean
- create a backup if configured
- compress the backup if configured
- update / validate the serverfiles
- start the apocalypse
- automatic restart if the server.exe is "killed" (script starts over)
- make sure all runtimes for the DayZ Standalone Server are installed
- download steamcmd from and unpack it somewhere on the server
- store dayzsa-wintools.bat and settings.bat in the same folder on the server
- adjust settings.bat for your likings
- run dayzsa-wintools.bat
- close the server-console window and the cmd window
- adjust you settings in profile\server.cfg and profile\battleye\beserver*.cfg
- start the endless zombie-apocalypse-fun loop again using dayzsa-wintools.bat
- server is restarted automated if the exe is killed, for example if you close the console-window or execute #shutdown via rcon
I´am using a BEC and Discord integration on my servers, the reasons why you dont get it with this script: Both need additional setup that is not that easy. If you are able to set them up, you are also able to integrate it in the script yourself.
I cant support you setting them up, so i removed the relevant parts from this script.
If you need further assistance and want me to setup your vanilla server on your Windows Server contact me (i don´t do this for free!!!)