This repository contains the code for evaluating a sequence-based and a multidimensional approach for representing temporal graphs. More info at
Temporal graphs (also known as time-varying graphs) are graphs whose vertex connectivity changes along time.
- A compiler that supports C++11
- Compact Data Structures Library - low-level succinct data structures
- Succinct Data Structure Library - low-level succinct data structures
First step: cloning and updating submodules
$ git clone
$ cd temporalgraphs
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Then compile each module using cmake:
$ cd edgelogbase/build
$ cmake ..
And do the same with cas, cet, adjlogbase, and so on... Thanks to Luiz Fernando Afra Brito for providing these instructions.
Original concept and prototype by Diego Caro.
This work was supported in part by a CONICYT doctoral fellowship, Fondecyt 1140428, and by Fondef D09I1185.