Just a mortgage calculator application using spring-boot and Thymeleaf.
Tags\Versions | Description | Date |
0.90 | Initial prototype. | Dec 19, 2015 |
1.0.0 | Initial release. | Dec 20, 2015 |
1.0.1 | Refactored unnecessary controller logic into separate Service classes. | Dec 22, 2015 |
1.0.2 | In progress... |
- On the amortization page, be able to add an increase payment at any point during the loan term and recalculate the ending date (with remainder).
- If user enters desired mortgage payment, clear the 'durationInMonths' field, and calculate the loan term with that payment. Do not allow infinity.
- Displays all payment dates during the loan amortization.
- Supports compounded "end of period" payment type as well as up-front payment type.
- Variable interest rate.
- Variable initial loan balance.
- Will calculate a arbitrary future value.
- Calculates monthly payment.
- Install Gradle 2.10+ on your local system. Put GRADLE_HOME/bin on your PATH variable.
- Make sure you have Java 1.8 JDK (not 1.7 and not a JRE).
- Import this Gradle project into your IDE. I use IntelliJ-IDEA, but this might also work with Eclipse or "Spring Source Suite".
- Using Gradle, or a 'run configuration' in your IDE, run 'gradle clean build' to build the .war application archive.
- To run the application, run 'gradle bootRun'.
- Navigate locally to http://localhost:8080/
- Form page:
- Schedule page: