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NodeJS with ES6

Basic Usage

Install Docker

See Install Docker Platform or Docker Toolbox

Build docker image

make build

Start command shell inside Docker container

make  # or `make cmd`

Run API server in Docker container

make run  # or `./`

or specifying customized port ${PORT}

PORT=9999 make run

Run test in Docker container

make test

How to start a NodeJS project

Build docker image and run in container

It is recommended to start a command shell inside the docker container before running the following steps (or actually any command, so that there is no need to install node on a dev box.

make cmd  # after that you will be in the container

Init a new project

npm init

Install dev dependencies

npm install --save-dev \
  babel-cli babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-es2015-node5 babel-preset-node5 \
  chai chai-as-promised \
  eslint babelify browserify vinyl-source-stream \
  gulp gulp-eslint gulp-filter gulp-header gulp-jsbeautifier \
  gulp-mocha gulp-replace gulp-util \
  nodemon request \
  rimraf \
  mockery istanbul mocha \
  sinon-chai sinon \

Install dist build dependencies

npm install --save \
  body-parser cookie-parser express morgan lodash \
	http-status-codes node-fetch uuid4 \
  bunyan mysql \

Add any npm run scripts

See package.json for reference.


  • Use the following command to review monitoring/watch process and listening ports

    make stat # or `netstat -antp tcp; ps -aef`
  • Upon the API server running, by default port, e.g. 8888, the endpoint will be at


API Server Architecture

[ Browser ] <===>  [ Nginx ]  <===> [ API server ]

Learning ES6


NodeJS with ES6/ECMAScript 2015







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