YubinBango is a library for lookup address with Japan postal code. It uses ETS for blazing fast lookup address. YubinBangoは日本の郵便番号から住所を検索するライブラリです。
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding yubin_bango
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:yubin_bango, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/yubin_bango.
# Add yubin_bango to your application to start the server when the application starts
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Application
defp children do
{YubinBango, []}
# or with named ets table
# {YubinBango, [table_name: :yubin_bango_table]}
# Lookup address with postal code
iex> YubinBango.lookup("1050004")
{:ok, %YubinBango.Address{city: "港区", city_kana: "ミナトク", district: "新橋", district_kana: "シンバシ", prefecture: "東京都", prefecture_kana: "トウキョウト", zipcode: "1050004"}}
iex> YubinBango.lookup("105-0004")
{:ok, %YubinBango.Address{city: "港区", city_kana: "ミナトク", district: "新橋", district_kana: "シンバシ", prefecture: "東京都", prefecture_kana: "トウキョウト", zipcode: "1050004"}}
iex> YubinBango.lookup("1050004-1")
{:error, :wrong_format, _}
iex> YubinBango.lookup("1234567")
{:error, :wrong_format, _}