released this
25 Dec 09:15
Changes to SqlServerDsc
Added new test helper functions in the CommonTestHelpers module. These are used
by the integration tests.
New-IntegrationLoopbackAdapter: Installs the PowerShell module
'LoopbackAdapter' from PowerShell Gallery and creates a new network
loopback adapter.
Remove-IntegrationLoopbackAdapter: Removes a new network loopback adapter.
Get-NetIPAddressNetwork: Returns the IP network address from an IPv4 address
and prefix length.
Enabled PSSA rule violations to fail build in the CI environment.
Renamed SqlServerDsc.psd1 to be consistent
(issue #1116 ).
Glenn Sarti (@glennsarti)
Changes to Unit Tests
the following resources unit test template to version 1.2.1
Changes to SqlAlwaysOnService
Updated the integration tests to use a loopback adapter to be less intrusive
in the build worker environment.
Minor code cleanup in integration test, fixed the scope on variable.
Changes to SqlSetup
Updated the integration tests to stop some services after each integration test.
This is to save memory on the AppVeyor build worker.
Updated the integration tests to use a SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1.
Fixed Script Analyzer rule error.
Changes to SqlRS
Updated the integration tests to stop the Reporting Services service after
the integration test. This is to save memory on the AppVeyor build worker.
The helper function Restart-ReportingServicesService
should no longer timeout
when restarting the service (issue #1114 ).
Changes to SqlServiceAccount
Updated the integration tests to stop some services after each integration test.
This is to save memory on the AppVeyor build worker.
Changes to SqlServerDatabaseMail
Fixed Script Analyzer rule error.
You can’t perform that action at this time.