This package models the domain of (multi)pointed words in the context of formal language and automata theory.
In a nutshell, a pointed word is a sequence ("string") over some type a consisting of
- 0 or more distinguished values of type a — points or point(ed) symbols.
- 0 or more background sequences of context, subject to the restriction that there are no consecutive pairs of contexts.
An unpointed word is a pointed word with no points, and consists only of a single (possibly empty) context: abbaxaaa is an example of an unpointed word.
We can transform an unpointed word w, |w| = n into a singly-pointed word by specifying an index 0 ≤ i ≤ n -1 to become a point:
- point 4 abbaxaaa = abba>x<aaa
(For the purpose of documentation, the metalinguistic symbols > and < surround a symbol if it is "pointed".)
A singly-pointed word over a is a sequence of:
- A possibly empty initial context.
- A distinguished point of type a.
- A possibly empty final context.
For example, abba>x<aaa is a pointed word with abba as preceding context, aaa as following context, and x as the point or point(ed) symbol.
A multipointed word over a consists of a sequence of points, with a (possibly empty) context on either side of the points:
- abba>xy< is a pointed word with abba and aaa as contexts, and x and y as points.
- >xy< is a pointed word with a as a context, and x and y as points.
- >x<>y< is a pointed word with no contexts, and x and y as points.
We can transform a singly-pointed word into a multipointed one by specifying an index to transform into a point if it isn't already:
- point 8 abba>x<aaay = abba>xy<
- point 4 abba>x<aaay = abba>x<aaay
Dually, we can project off a point of a pointed word:
- unpoint 8 abba>xy< = abba>x<aaay
- unpoint 4 abba>x<aaay = abbaxaaay
We can concatenate pointed words:
- abba>x< ⋅ aaa>y< = abba>xy<
- abba ⋅ x = abbax
- abba>x<a ⋅ aa>y< = abba>xy<
Given two pointed words whose unpointed words are the same, we can also take their meet and join:
- abba>x<aaay ∨ abbaxaaa>y< = abba>xy<
- abba>xy< ∧ abba>x<aaay = abba>x<aaay
For a word w, |w| = n, there are 2ⁿ pointed words, with a bottom element consisting of the unpointed word, and a top element consisting of the word where every symbol is pointed: the set of all pointed versions of a particular unpointed word w form a finite Boolean (powerset) lattice.
Given two unpointed words l, r of the same length, we can compute an aligned pair with points at every location where l and r differ:
- axbayazab Δ atbauavab = (a>xyz<ab, a>tuv<ab)
Equivalent, but aligned for easier spotting of differences:
a x ba y a z ab
Δ a t ba u a v ab
≡ ( a>x<ba>y<a>z<ab
, a>t<ba>u<a>v<ab
- Modeling particular classes of state machines ("lookaround machines") over sequences.
- Reasoning about compositions of cokleisli arrows in list-zipper-like comonads.
- Modeling diffs of same-length sequences — or patches between them.
These are roughly the reasons I wrote the package — reasoning about a particular finite-state model of string transformations called bimachines.
See the main module documentation for more information.