Web component built with Polymer which allows to view PDF documents.
Note that this element doesn't use browser's built-in PDF rendered, but rednders PDF using Mozilla's pdf.js library, which let's you have more control on how the document is displayed and which actions are available to user.
Demo: http://pavelmakhov.com/pdf-element/
- Next/Previous page
- Zoom
- Download (optional)
- Compatible with Polymer 1.0
- Dynamically change document without page reloading
- Looks polymer way :)
- Text selection (optional)
- Works in IE (in progress)
With Bower:
bower install -S pdf-element
Or just clone this repo and use pdf-element.html
in your project
I would really appreciate any help. PR/issues and stars are welcome =)
To run it locally make sure you have Polymer CLI installed and do the following:
git clone https://github.com/streetturtle/pdf-element.git
cd pdf-element
bower install
polymer serve
Element's page will be available at http://localhost:8080/components/pdf-element/
The MIT License (MIT) © 2016-2017 Pavel Makhov