Python API for the Turkish Language Foundation
tdk-py is a Python package allowing access to Turkish dictionaries of the TDK, the Turkish Language Association.
tdk-py provides both synchronous and asynchronous interfaces to the TDK's
APIs and parses their responses into Python class objects based on Pydantic,
so you can do things like
them, or use them in your API endpoints and generate beautiful schemas.
tdk-py is supported on Python 3.10+. First, make sure you have a Python environment set up.
# in the shell
poetry add tdk-py # if using (recommended)
pipenv install tdk-py # if using
pip install tdk-py # straight
# in Python
import tdk
import tdk
results = tdk.search_gts_sync("merkeziyetçilik")
Otoritenin ve işin tek bir merkezde toplanmasını amaçlayan görüş; merkeziyet, merkezcilik
You can query suggestions for misspelt words or for other similar words.
from difflib import get_close_matches
import tdk
# Calculate suggestions locally using the index:
words = get_close_matches("feldispat", tdk.get_gts_index_sync())
assert words == ['feldspat', 'ispat', 'fesat']
# Use the TDK API: (sometimes errors out)
words = tdk.get_gts_suggestions_sync("feldispat")
assert words == ['feldspat', 'felekiyat', 'ispat']
You can perform complex analyses very easily. Let's see the distribution of entries by the number of maximum consecutive consonants.
import tdk
annotated_dict = {}
for entry in tdk.get_gts_index_sync():
streaks =
if streaks not in annotated_dict:
annotated_dict[streaks] = [entry]
for i in set(annotated_dict):
print(i, len(annotated_dict[i]))
0 19
1 15199
2 73511
3 3605
4 68
5 5
tdk-py's source code is provided under the MIT License
Copyright © 2021-2024 Emre Özcan