This package can work properly with all devices which produce point cloud data. (Stereo Cameras, RGB-D Cameras, LiDARs etc.) Point Cloud Library (PCL) and OctoMap used on ROS platform.
- Follow these steps to install Ubuntu 16.04 operating system
- Check out the official website
- Download the stable release from here and follow these instructions
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake doxygen libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libqglviewer-dev-qt4 $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octomap ros-kinetic-octomap-mapping $ rosdep install octomap_mapping $ rosmake octomap_mapping
There should be
file under/opt/ros/kinetic/share/octomap_server/launch
Get this repository as a catkin workspace
$ git clone catkin_ws
Build package
$ cd catkin_ws $ catkin build
Or move src/simpcl/ package under your workspace.
Source catkin workspace
$ source devel/setup.bash
Launch files are under the src/simpcl/launch directory. Parameters can easily be changed without the need to recompile.
$ roslaunch simpcl mapping.launch
- Enes Demirağ [email protected] - LinkedIn Website
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Interested in contributing to my repo? Fork, and open a pull request. I'll try to merge as soon as possible. If you found any mistake or you have advice, feel free to open an issue.
You can reach work in progress and all filters including unstable ones from here.