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You have a Linux router, it has been working great with IPv4.


Your predatory ISP is now IPv6 capable and you are looking to extend IPv6 to your devices.

ipv6thingy will help setup your Linux v6 gateway.


We need radvd and dhclient. On my Debian I installed those as:

$ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-client radvd

Config file

/etc/ipv6thingy.conf is the config file we use. Setup your config based on the ipv6thingy.conf provided.

internal is your NIC which faces your internal devices.

external is the NIC which interacts with your ISP.

Optionally, if you wish to limit IPv6 to a select few devices in your Network, you should list their link local addresses:

enable fe80::fa3b:514c:1133:50fc	# tableFan
enable fe80::fa3b:524c:1233:50ac	# kitchenSink
enable fe80::fa3b:534c:1123:50bc	# dishwasher
enable fe80::fa3b:524c:1232:50bc	# porchlights

If there are no link local addresses listed, radvd will use multicast router advertisements to all your devices.

Optional - Build

If you prefer to create your own binaries, you can compile those by running

$ ./

You will need the Go Programming Language installed on your System.

Set it up

Please ensure your config file /etc/ipv6thingy.conf is in place and pre-reqs have been installed.

Let's set it up by running as:

$ sudo ./ 
'ipv6thingy.service' -> '/etc/systemd/system/ipv6thingy.service'
'bin/ipv6thingy-armv7l' -> '/usr/local/bin/ipv6thingy'
'ipv6hook' -> '/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ipv6hook'
.. /snip/ .. 

If everything goes well, your devices should have IPv6 addresses by now.

Navigate to or to verify.

Status Check

Check the status of service ipv6thingy:

$ sudo systemctl status  ipv6thingy
● ipv6thingy.service - ipv6thingy
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ipv6thingy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-08-16 11:36:50 PDT; 2h 9min ago
 Main PID: 608 (ipv6thingy)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ipv6thingy.service
           ├─608 /usr/local/bin/ipv6thingy --daemon
           └─668 dhclient -6 -P -d -v eth1

You can also inspect your daemon's log:

$ sudo journalctl -u  ipv6thingy -f
-- Logs begin at Thu 2016-11-03 10:16:42 PDT. --
Aug 16 12:54:15 claypi ipv6thingy[608]: Packet received, but nothing done with it.
Aug 16 12:54:15 claypi dhclient[668]: Packet received, but nothing done with it.
Aug 16 13:11:31 claypi dhclient[668]: RCV: Advertise message on eth1 from fe80:: 

How does it work?

The ipv6thingy daemon launches dhclient on your external interface, looking for IPv6 Prefix from your ISP.

The details will be written out to /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.leases file.

Upon dhcp events, ipv6hook hooks into ipv6thingy which populates /etc/radvd.conf and restart radvd as appropriate.

It also takes care of the sysctl and routing operations as required.

$ sudo grep ipv6 /var/log/daemon.log
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi systemd[1]: Started ipv6thingy.
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: ipv6Thingy 1.4g Copyright (C) 2020 Evuraan 
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Daemon!
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: net.ipv6.conf.eth1.accept_ra = 2
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: net.ipv6.conf.eth1.forwarding = 0
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.3.5
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Copyright 2004-2016 Internet Systems Consortium.
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: All rights reserved.
Aug 16 18:39:55 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: For info, please visit
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: ipv6Thingy 1.4g Copyright (C) 2020 Evuraan 
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Helper - reason: PREINIT6, Iface: eth1
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Ignoring - reason PREINIT6 not valid
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Listening on Socket/eth1
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Sending on   Socket/eth1
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: PRC: Confirming active lease (INIT-REBOOT).
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT: Forming Rebind, 0 ms elapsed.
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD OBFUSCATED
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT:  | X-- Requested renew  +3600
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT:  | X-- Requested rebind +5400
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT:  | | X-- IAPREFIX 2601:OBFUSCATED:123::/64
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT:  | | | X-- Preferred lifetime +7200
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT:  | | | X-- Max lifetime +7500
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT:  V IA_PD appended.
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: XMT: Rebind on eth1, interval 1090ms.
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV: Reply message on eth1 from fe80::OBFUSCATED
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  X-- IA_PD 5e:OBFUSCATED:ec
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  | X-- starts 1597628396
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  | X-- t1 - renew  +105260
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  | X-- t2 - rebind +168416
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  | X-- [Options]
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  | | X-- IAPREFIX 2OBFUSCATED::/64
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  | | | X-- Preferred lifetime 210520.
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  | | | X-- Max lifetime 210520.
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:01:00OBFUSCATED
Aug 16 18:39:56 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: PRC: Bound to lease 00:01:00OBFUSCATED
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: ipv6Thingy 1.4g Copyright (C) 2020 Evuraan 
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Helper - reason: REBIND6, Iface: eth1
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Wrote 686 bytes to /tmp/temp-1597628397214453514
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: [Aug 16 18:39:57] radvd (725): config file, /tmp/temp-1597628397214453514, syntax ok
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Copied 686 bytes from /etc/radvd.conf to /etc/backup-radvd-1597628397214453514
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Backup: /etc/radvd.conf saved as /etc/backup-radvd-1597628397214453514
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: Copied 686 bytes from /tmp/temp-1597628397214453514 to /etc/radvd.conf
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: running: ip -6 route add 2OBFUSCATED/64 dev eth0
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: radvd restarted OK
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: PRC: Renewal event scheduled in 105259 seconds, to run for 63156 seconds.
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: PRC: Depreference scheduled in 210519 seconds.
Aug 16 18:39:57 claypi ipv6thingy[623]: PRC: Expiration scheduled in 210519 seconds.


I don't see IPv6 broadcasts from my ISP..

Yes, this is a common problem!

On your External interface, please be sure to allow UDP traffic to/from port 546 from port 547.

On my UFW, I use:

ufw allow out on eth1  from fe00::/7 port 546 to fe00::/7 port 547  proto udp 

Disabling ipv6thingy

  • Disable/delete the service ipv6thingy
  • Delete ipv6hook file
$ sudo systemctl disable ipv6thingy
$ sudo rm -v /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ipv6hook
