A minimalistic and flexible templating engine, inspired by Handlebars.
npm install --save picolate
The following composable building blocks are supported. Anything else that is not part of any of these building blocks is simply left untouched in the template.
Custom delimiters can be configured too, to fit the language to your needs. By default they are {{
and }}
A comment does not render anything, it gets stripped out from the template.
An expression is eval
-ed, its return value coerced into a string, and that gets interpolated in the template. Any valid JS expression can be used.
An each block can be used to iterate over an array, rendering the content of the block once for each value.
The as name
part is required, you always need to provide a name to use for each iterated value.
An else
branch is supported too, it will be rendered when the array is empty.
An if block is only rendered if its expression is truthy. Any valid JS expression can be used.
An else
branch is supported too, it will be rendered when the condition is falsy.
A with block is conceptually analogous to a with
statement, it adds properties of the provided object to the current scope.
An else
branch is supported too, it will be rendered when the value is falsy.
Once you have written a template there are few things that you can do with it:
import picolate from 'picolate';
// Render a template, without pre-compiling it, which is slower if you need to render it multiple times
const html = picolate.render ( '<p>{{name}}</p>', { name: 'John' } );
// Compile a template, parsing it once, which is faster if you need to render it multiple times
const template = picolate.compile ( '<p>{{name}}</p>' );
const html = template ({ name: 'John' });
// Validate that a template is valid before doing anything else with it
const isValid = picolate.validate ( '{{#if person}}<p>{{name}}</p>' ); // => false
// Parse a template into an AST, this is low-level function you might never need
const ast = picolate.parse ( '{{#if person}}{{person.name}}{{/if}}' );
// {
// type: 'root',
// children: [
// {
// type: 'if',
// value: 'person',
// children: [
// {
// type: 'eval',
// value: 'person.name'
// }
// ]
// }
// ]
// }
// Provide arbitrary values to the context object
import _ from 'lodash';
const html = picolate.render ( '<p>{{_.startCase ( name )}}</p>', { _: lodash, name: 'some-name' } );
// Escape interpolated values
// Values are converted to a string by passing them to the "String" function, so you can provide your own "String" function to escape values
import {escape} from 'html-escaper';
const html = picolate.render ( 'Escaped: {{`& < > " \'`}}', { String: value => escape ( String ( value ) ) } ); // Escaped: & < > " '
// Custom delimiters
// Every exported function supports an optional argument that you can use to set custom delimiters
const options = { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'] };
const html = picolate.render ( '<p>[[name]]</p>', { name: 'John' }, options );
// Compose multiple building blocks together
const template = `
{{!-- Rendering something for each person --}}
{{#each people as person}}
{{#if person.admin}}
{{!-- Rendering some fallback content if there are no people --}}
{{#if !people.length}}
<p>No people...</p>
MIT © Fabio Spampinato