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Switch port v1

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@fgsfdsfgs fgsfdsfgs released this 06 Jun 20:51
· 9 commits to master since this release


Initial Switch release, based on latest OpenMW source (0.46.0 git). Expect issues.

Installation and running

Unzip the attached ZIP file into the switch folder on your SD card.

If you already have an OpenMW install on your PC:

  1. Copy your openmw.cfg into /switch/openmw/config/ (for Windows users: it's in Documents/My Games/OpenMW).
  2. Copy your data files (esm, esp, bsa) into /switch/openmw/data/.

If you don't, but you own Morrowind:

  1. Install Morrowind.
  2. Copy the Data Files folder and Morrowind.ini file from your Morrowind installation into /switch/openmw/data/.

Then run OpenMW from hbmenu.

Known issues

  • Exiting the game using the HOME button during a loading screen will crash it.
  • Cursor sometimes displays when it shouldn't.
  • Performance isn't very good.
  • User accounts that have non-ASCII characters in the name will be treated as an absence of user account (i.e. your saves will go into global).


  • You have to run this from either NSP hbmenu or from a game override. Applet mode does not offer enough memory.
  • Press MINUS to bring up the software keyboard when an input field is selected.
  • Click LSTICK to enable/disable gamepad cursor control.
  • This has only been tested with the English release of Morrowind GOTY Edition. Mods should probably work, however you'll have to either edit your openmw.cfg manually or use openmw-launcher on PC, then copy the config file over.
  • If you have a user account active when you run the game, your saves will go into /switch/openmw/data/USERNAME, otherwise they'll go into /switch/openmw/data/global.
  • If the game crashes, check /switch/openmw/fatal.log and /switch/openmw/config/openmw.log.