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firepick1 edited this page Apr 29, 2014 · 4 revisions

Compute minimum area RotatedRect for a range of pixel intensity values in a selected image channel. This FireSight operation relies on OpenCV minAreaRect.

  • min Default value is 1. Minimum pixel value to consider.
  • max Default value is 255. Maximum pixel value to consider.
  • channel Default value is 0. Index of BGR image channel.

Stage Model

The minAreaRect operation is actually a fast single blob detector, and provides a single RotatedRect in the model using the JSON structure expected by op drawRects. The number of points in the RotatedRect region is also given so you can compute region density.


Example 1: Find bright green things pipeline

firesight -i img/abc-color.png -p json/minAreaRect.json -o target/minAreaRect.png -Dmin=128 -Dchannel=1 -Dthickness=1

Pixel:0.4ms RPi:11ms

Consider a colorful picture:

We can find and box all bright green things using channel=1 and min=128:

Example 2: Detect a part pipeline

firesight -i img/part1-0.png -p json/minAreaRect-thresh.json -o target/minAreaRect-thresh.png

Pixel:3.6ms RPi:150ms

Suppose we have a pick-and-place head with no part:

We then pick up a part:

Using op absdiff we get:

Starting with the absdiff'ed image, the pipeline uses op threshold to generate this image with Otsu's method:

Finally, the minAreaRect stage itself gives us:

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