Added new functions:
; Returns actors in loaded cells within `afRadius` of `akOrigin`
Actor[] Function FindNearbyActors(ObjectReference akOrigin, Float afRadius) Global Native
; Returns commanded actors in loaded cells within `afRadius` of `akOrigin` who are controlled by `akOrigin`
Actor[] Function FindNearbyCommandedActors(ObjectReference akOrigin, Float afRadius) Global Native
; Returns teammates and player-controlled commanded/summoned actors in loaded cells within `afRadius` of player
Actor[] Function FindNearbyFollowers(Float afRadius) Global Native
; Returns summoned actors in loaded cells within `afRadius` of `akOrigin`
Actor[] Function FindNearbySummons(ObjectReference akOrigin, Float afRadius) Global Native
; Returns teammates in loaded cells within `afRadius` of player
Actor[] Function FindNearbyTeammates(Float afRadius) Global Native