- Creates a seed for the key stream cipher
- Stores this seed with the rest of the code for the bootloader, as well as in the secret_build_output.txt file.
- The bootloader generates a main.bin file which has contents of flash memory
Reads in infile, outfile, version number, and release message
python fw_protect --infile --outfile --version --message
- infile (Specifies file to protect)
- outfile (Specifies file to write to)
- message (Uses as release message)
- version (Specifies firmware version number)
- Combines release message and firmware while adding a nullbyte as a terminator
- Generates key from stream cipher
- Creates METADATA(version, size, and HMACS)
- Creates an HMAC of the firmware and one of the Version and Size using two different keys and adds to METADATA
- Breaks the firmware into frames with the first 16 bytes being IV, next 2 being size, at most 1kb of cipher text, and the tag as the last 16
- Writes METADATA and framed firmware with release message to outdata
Sends the data from the infile to the bootloader
python fw_update --port --firmware [--debug]
- port (Port to write to)
- firmware (Chooses file to install)
- [debug] (Turns on debug mode)
- Handshake (update tool sends U, bootloader sends a U back)
- Update tool sends over the metadata package (in frames if necessary)
- Waits for "OK" byte before sending next frame
- Send a black frame to indicate it is done sending frames
NOTE: If debug is turned on extra data is printed to screen
- Loads or boots firmware
- Rejects older versions or invalid firmware
- Generates key with stream cipher
- Prints to UART2
- Waits for byte to specify mode: "U" for update; "B" for boot
- 0x20 to UART0 resets device
- Reads METADATA from update tool
- Creates key with stream cipher
- If correct, writes METADATA to address 0xFC00
- Reads each frame of firmware
- Uses provided IV to decrypt data
- Flashes to storage in pages starting at address 0x1000
- Verifies firmware HMAC
- If wrong, erases firmware
- Sends "OK" to indicate end of update
- Prints release message
- Boots firmware
- Navigate to /firmware/firmware and run
- Navigate to /tools and run
python bl_build.py
to compile the bootloader - Run
python bl_emulate.py
to run the bootloader - Open a UART with
miniterm /embsec/UARTX
where X is the UART number
- Navigate to /tools and run the fw_protect.py tool to protect the firmware
- Run the fw_update.py tool to attempt to update the booloader
NOTE: bl_emulate must be running before attempting to update the bootloader
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