Releases: frozn/TipTac
Releases · frozn/TipTac
v24.08.19 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- fixed missing tooltips with embedded items, e.g. for world quests
- fixed appearance of old UIDropDownMenu in some cases
v24.08.18 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- added option "Hiding->Hide Exp Bar Tips" to hide experience bar tips
- added option in "Anchors" to override GTT anchor for world/frame units/tips during challenge mode (mythic+)
- added option in "Hiding" to hide frame/world unit tips or unit/spell/item/action-bar/experience-bar tips during challenge mode (mythic+)
- fixed lua error error regarding calling TooltipUtil.SurfaceArgs() because it's not necessary any longer (since df 10.1.0)
- fixed unnecessary jumping of unit tip's width after text changes (e.g. after the talents are available) together with minimum width if showing bars
- fixed quality border color for LFG dungeon (shortage) reward
- added a workaround for anchoring the tip to the mouse position if centering of the cursor when mouse freelooking is enabled, because GetCursorPosition() returns the real cursor position for the first frame when left-clicking instead of the centered position (e.g. under addon "Combat Mode").
- improved displaying of RewardLevel and WeeklyRewardLevel for keystones if these are zero
- updated LibDBIcon-1.0
- bumped TOC to 11.0.2
v24.08.05 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- fixed preventing auras from moving off-screen if other addons modify the clamp rect insets too
- fixed error with showing spell id for random mount button
- dragonriding has been renamed to skyriding with latest expansion TWW
v24.07.31 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- added styling of tooltips from LibExtraTip
- considered updated quest (log) APIs for latest expansion TWW
- added necessary changes for latest expansion TWW (thx to @silverwind for PR)
v24.07.28 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- added option "Backdrop->BG Texture Layout" to set if the background texture should be repeated or stretched to fit the tip
- fixed flickering of bars
- fixed missing anchoring and styling of tooltips if hovering over an empty action bar button before
- fixed displaying of spent talent points for latest expansion TWW
- considered that C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality() doesn't return wrong values any more
- updated libs
- classic era: fixed missing spellID in spell tooltips
v24.07.26 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- added necessary changes for latest expansion TWW
- considered updated spell/spellbook APIs for latest expansion TWW
v24.07.25 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- added border color and infos for instance lock chat links
- prevented auras from moving off-screen
- added reapplying scale to tip if it has been changed by other addons
- fixed missing TT_ExtendedConfig if calling OnApplyConfig() manually in items module
- fixed losing focus if entering text in options
- fixed checking hiding or reanchoring tips if entering/leaving combat, starting/ending dragon riding or pressing/releasing modifier key
- added first bunch of necessary changes for latest expansion TWW
- bumped TOC to 11.0.0
- classic era: bumped TOC to 1.15.3
thx to @darkpsy3934 and @romracer for pull requests to quickly find the problematic spots including the fixes
v24.05.26 [DF] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- added importing/exporting of config
- added option for additional offset for auras
- added styling of SpellBookTooltip for addon ElvUI
- refactored icons module and added new options for unit icons
v24.05.20 [DF] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- fixed lua errors in options regarding function SetEnabled()
- fixed accidentally repositioning of minimap icon
- fixed accidentally hiddened tooltips
- fixed accidentally reducing tip's width/height to a tiny square e.g. on individual GameTooltips
- fixed errors regarding "calling ... on bad self"
- added missing dependent lib "CallbackHandler-1.0" for lib "LibDataBroker-1.1"
- adjusted option for minimum width for tooltip if showing bars
- clarified in options that the spell id also includes the spell rank or spell subtext
- refactored hyperlink module
v24.05.18 [DF] [CataC] [Classic Era]
- considered subsequently added lines for the GameTooltip while reducing tip's scale because the tip would otherwise exceed the screen width/height
- adjusted default value for minimum width for tooltip if showing bars
- added button in options to help reporting bugs or requesting features
- added tooltips to buttons "Anchor" and "Defaults" in options
- fixed remembering position of minimap icon
- fixed errors regarding "calling ... on bad self"
- bumped TOC to 10.2.7