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Releases: frozn/TipTac

v24.11.23 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

23 Nov 16:39
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  • classic: bumped TOC to 4.4.1
  • classic era: bumped TOC to 1.15.5

v24.10.29 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

29 Oct 20:53
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  • fixed lua error if unit's class name is missing
  • replaced deprecated function GetNumSpecializationsForClassID() with C_SpecializationInfo.GetNumSpecializationsForClassID() after patch 11.0.5
  • bumped TOC to 11.0.5
  • classic era: removed the workaround for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4: the UISliderTemplateWithLabels template defined in "SliderTemplates.xml" is missing. fixed with WoW build
  • classic era: removed the worarkound for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4: GetSpellSubtext() causes an ACCESS_VIOLATION exception when the spell doesn't exist in the local cache. fixed with WoW build

v24.10.01 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

01 Oct 19:08
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  • classic era: added a workaround for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4: the UISliderTemplateWithLabels template defined in "SliderTemplates.xml" is missing.

v24.09.30 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

29 Sep 15:54
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  • classic era: added a workaround for blizzard bug in classic era 1.15.4. GetSpellSubtext() causes an ACCESS_VIOLATION exception when the spell doesn't exist in the local cache.

v24.09.29 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

29 Sep 13:23
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  • fixed checking if font exists, e.g. for text on bars
  • classic era: fixed lua error when hovering over pet action bar
  • classic era: bumped toc to 1.15.4

v24.09.02 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

02 Sep 19:08
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  • added styling of tooltips from LibUIDropDownMenu-4.0
  • optimized predefined solid border layout

v24.08.29 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

29 Aug 19:54
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  • fixed positioning of old UIDropDownMenu if using different scale

v24.08.28 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

28 Aug 19:52
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  • fixed positioning of old UIDropDownMenu if using different scale
  • fixed lua error during applying quality border if quality is invalid, e.g. from invalid chat links

v24.08.26 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

25 Aug 11:32
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  • fixed lua error regarding checking the existence of LibDropDownMenu
  • added workaround for addon AddOnSkins to prevent styling of frame

v24.08.25 [TWW] [CataC] [Classic Era]

25 Aug 10:32
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  • added styling of tooltips from LibDropDownMenu
  • fixed lua errors if hovering over a WoW token icon in the blizzard shop