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ptaillandier edited this page Jun 3, 2024 · 6 revisions

The graphical modeling plugin has for objective to address the need in participatory tools. It allows GAMA users to graphically define their models and eventually to translate them to the GAML language. In addition, this plugin allows to translate a GAML model into a graphical one. This feature aims at facilitating the discussions (and communication) about a model. The plugin is based on the Graphiti plugin of Eclipse.

More details about this plugin can be found here

Installation of the Plug-in for GAMA developers

Tested with GAMA 2024-06 - Eclipse 2023-12 (June 2024)

Branch: 2024-06

Clone the github project and import the projects in Eclipse (idees.gama.graphicalmodeling, idees.gama.emf.metamodel, idees.gama.feature.graphical_modeling).

Add the following plugin to Eclipse:

Then, you just have to clean the workspace, add the feature plugin to GAMA (for example : ummisco.gama.product -> gama.product, then in the contents pane -> Add... : idees.gama.feature.graphical_modeling, then overview pane -> synchronize -> Launch an Eclipse Application

Old version: Tested with GAMA 1.8 - Eclipse Oxygen 3A (July 2018)

Branch: Master

Clone the github project and import the projects in Eclipse (idees.gama.graphicalmodeling, idees.gama.emf.metamodel, idees.gama.feature.graphical_modeling).

Add the following plugin to Eclipse:

Then, you just have to clean the workspace, add the feature plugin to GAMA (for example : ummisco.gama.product -> gama.product, then in the contents pane -> Add... : idees.gama.feature.graphical_modeling, then overview pane -> synchronize -> Launch an Eclipse Application

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