neoacl is a python package for simple ACL management using a neo4j backend. It's oriented to delegate permission for a group of user to another user resource.
No authentication, nor authorization is supported, it's outside scope of this component.
Your application must create their user in this component. This done the user gain full privileges on their groups and resources and rule between them.
Simples methods are then needed to test in your application if an user had a delegated permission to access a resource of another user.
There is 3 different context manager to implement in your application.
used to create, delete users
from neoacl.manager import AdminManager
m = AdminManager()
used to define resources and groups that belong to an user.
Others users must be included in groups, and permissions between group and resource allowed to permit minimal working data.
from neoacl.manager import UserManager
m = UserManager('test1')
m.create_resource('server', 123)
m.group_add_user('admin_server', 'test2')
Permit read access on server 123 to group admin_server
m.allow('server', 123, 'admin_server', 'read')
That the aim of this component, to simpliy permit permission check against resource for a user.
from neoacl.manager import PermissionManager
m = PermissionManager('test2')
if m.check('server', 123, 'read'):
return "Access granted"
return "Access denied"