As seen on Awesome!
It's based on the refined theme built into the Oh-My-Zsh framework. I can't find that theme's author, but they did most of the work. This theme is also, by the transitive property, based off of the Pure theme by Sindre Sorhus and the nicoulaj theme by Julien Nicoulaud. It's zsh themes all the way down, baby.
Adds version control, virtual environment, and command execution time information to your prompt. Requires a patched Nerd Font for proper icon rendering.
The screenshot above uses the Hack Nerd Font, and the Catppuccin Alacritty theme. The fast-syntax-highlighting plugin is also being featured.
To install this, just source the theme file in your ~/.zshrc
source /path/to/appa.zsh-theme
or, use your favorite plugin manager:
Run the following command
git clone
cp appa-zsh-theme/appa.zsh-theme ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes
and add ZSH_THEME="appa"
to your ~/.zshrc
Add the following to your ~/.zshrc
zplug 'givensuman/appa-zsh-theme', as:theme
Add the following to your ~/.zshrc
zinit ice depth "1"
zinit light givensuman/appa-zsh-theme
You can change the prompt icon and color by modifying APPA_ZSH_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR
environment variables, such as adding this to your ~/.zshrc
You know the drill, do whatever you want with this.
Named after my cutie-patootie dog, Appa