This is a sample project to demonstrate how Serenity-BDD and Screenplay Pattern can integrate with Appium
The App under test consists of 3 different Apps which share the same shell-base code, but include different data
Following the serenity's Actor-Centric approach we have:
Berner, the actor who uses the App in Berlin, therefore installs the berlin-offline-city-map.apk
Lodovico, the actor who uses the App in London, therefore installs the london-offline-city-map.apk
Lisbet, the actor who uses the App in Lisbon, therefore installs the lisbon-offline-city-map.apk
The starting point of the tests, is the .feature files, located on src/test/resources/features
BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME = <browserstack_username>
BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY = <browserstack_apikey>
(alternatively you can also directly hard code them into file, assigning to the variables browserstack.user and browserstack.key respectively)
git clone
cd serenity-appium-screenplay-example
curl -u "<browserstack_username>:<browserstack_apikey>" -X POST "" -F "file=@/<path_for_your_project>/serenity-appium-screenplay-example/src/test/resources/app/berlin-offline-city-map.apk" -F "data={\"custom_id\":\"berlin-offline-city-map\"}"
Get the value of the shareable_id that results from this request and assign it to the browserstack.appBerlin variable on the file
curl -u "<browserstack_username>:<browserstack_apikey>" -X POST "" -F "file=@/<path_for_your_project>/serenity-appium-screenplay-example/src/test/resources/app/london-offline-city-map.apk" -F "data={\"custom_id\":\"london-offline-city-map\"}"
Get the value of the shareable_id that results from this request and assign it to the browserstack.appLondon variable on the file
curl -u "<browserstack_username>:<browserstack_apikey>" -X POST "" -F "file=@/<path_for_your_project>/serenity-appium-screenplay-example/src/test/resources/app/lisbon-offline-city-map.apk" -F "data={\"custom_id\":\"lisbon-offline-city-map\"}"
Get the value of the shareable_id that results from this request and assign it to the browserstack.appLisbon variable on the file
To verify project's integrity:
mvn clean verify
To execute specific profiles:
mvn clean verify -P <profile_name>