This release brings new feature in the pretty printing domain!
- Project
- Common
Following dependency updates are included (by @scala-steward):
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.16.0
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.10.0
- Update sbt-assembly to 2.2.0
- Update scala3-library, ... to 3.3.3
- Update sbt-typelevel, sbt-typelevel-site to 0.6.7
- Update scala-library, scala-reflect to 2.12.19
- Update kind-projector to 0.13.3
- Update sbt to 1.9.9
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.0
- Update weaver-cats, weaver-scalacheck to 0.8.4
- Update nscplugin, sbt-scala-native, ... to 0.4.17
- Update fs2-core to 3.9.4
- Update play-json to 3.0.2
- Update shapeless3-deriving to 3.4.1
- Update sbt-jmh to 0.4.7
For a complete list of issues and PRs, see the milestone
This release was brought to you by the following contributors:
git shortlog -sn --no-merges v1.10.0..v1.11.0
23 Lucas Satabin
20 Scala Steward